Chapter 27 new legend

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"WOOHOOO!" These are the words that the group heard as the sound of constant gun firing sounded from inside the building on the adress

"Everyone got their personal weapons?" Wraith started "This could be bad"

The group pretty much just pulled out heir guns on reaction with an an almost 50/50 split on the p20s and wingmans except for Nate and Alex with Nate having his bladed arms and alex with a folding compact triple take

"Where'd you get that?" Mirage asked to Alex

"I designed myself with the help of Sam who also gave it this dark green and neon yellow paint job" Alex responded

"That's cool but cut the chit-chat, we have to breach" Trinket said

"I'll count and take lead" Alisa started as everyone rushed to the doors "Three, Two, One, Breach!"

The Group charged in through the door and was confused by what they saw. In front or their eyes they saw guns with modifications shrewn about but in the back there was a woman shooting some sort of minigun at targets

"You here to kill someone or buy guns in an unopened shop" The woman said as she slowly turned the gun around aiming at them

Everyone quickly placed their weapons on the ground and remained silent

"So which is it?" The woman asked

"Neither, we are here to greet the new legend, you know them?" Octane finally spoke up

"Know them, of of course I do, They're me!" The woman said

"Oh, sorry to get off on the wrong foot here but it seems that the targets you were firing at were standing still, I the great Elliot Witt can help with some holo tech" Mirage started 

"Your boyfriend, don't let him do anything stupid" Wattson quietly told Wraith

Wraith turned red and facepalmed

"I can make a holographic projector for you if you have the right materials" Mirage continued

"Trash, treasure, gun parts, if you can name it, it's probably in that corner" the woman said as she pointed to the corner. "My name's Ramya Parekh but my friends just call me Rampart for short; you guys can pick up a gun and fire if you like, I got ammunition to spare"


As the group shot the targets with the modified weapons Mirage blurted out "I'm finished"

Mirage walked up to the rage with some sort of projector and installed installed it on the ceiling "That should do it" Mirage said as he clicked on a button and moving holographic targets started to run from side to side

Rampart ran to her Minigun and started to shoot all of the targets "This Is a whole lot better!" she yelled over the sound of the booming minigun

When rampart ran out of ammo she thanked Mirage and talked to them as they left "see you in the ring!"

NOTE: Sorry this took so long and for not posting on Monday. I had to practically scrap a whole chapter to get this right and set up the next chapters. stay tuned, A lot of stuff will go down pretty soon

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