Chapter 23 Introduction

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As everyone got off the dropship and were greeted with reporters the group just walked past them

"So, I know a guy who can fix those for you" Mirage said remarking the fact that the cloaked group were staring at their hoods

"Sure thing" The black haired man said

"Wait, we never told you our names" The woman said

"But-" The black hair man started but got cut off

"I know what you thinking but the regulations only say that we can't say or be called our names inside the facilities" the brown haired man said

"I guess you're right, so I'll start off; I'm Profico (Pro-fee-co)" The black haired man said

"I'm Alisa (ah-lee-sa)" The woman said

"And I'm Nerdum (Ner-doom)" The brown haired man said

"I'm Elliot, and this is Wraith" Mirage said as he gestured to himself and Wraith

"You guys should get an Apex room, It's really beneficial and since you won a Legend game you're eligible" Mirage said

"We probably will now that you mentioned it" Alisa said

"Let's go to my bar" Mirage started "Drinks are on me on account of the bar being mine"


"Three shots of Vodka please" Alisa said

"One for each of you?" Mirage asked

"Oh us, no; Alisa is the only one who drinks" Nerdum said

Mirages Jaw hung wide open as when he passed her the glasses she downed them faster than he had ever seen before

"I bet I can drink more than you" Mirage challenged

"Bring it" Alisa responded

After Mirage took 20 shots he passed out on the floor

"Ha, A female liver is stronger than a Males, See Profico; now hand me twenty" Alisa said drunkenly

Profico sighed as he reached in his pocket and handed Alisa twenty credites

"I should call path to help me carry him back home, you should go with us so I can help you register a room" Wraith started "Will she be fine?"

"She's had more, and she's a lot more funny this way" Profico said


"Natalie, why are you at the reception desk" Wraith said surprised

"The receptionist's wife was had a baby and I was just walking by so I told him I'd do this for him until he gets back which now is only a couple of minutes" Wattson started "But before I actually do the job I need to know what happened to mirage and the girl net to you"

"A-liiiii-sa" Alisa said brokenly

"We're the winners of today's game, we were hoping to get a room for a while" Profico said

"Alright, I just need names and have to tell you that you have to win a game within the next six months" Wattson replied

"I'm Profico, He's Merdum, and she's Alisa" Profico responded

Trinket came out of the elevator and walked to Wattson but got stopped. Alisa clumsily walked over to Trinket said "Cute" fell onto his arms and passed out

"How old are you" Merdum asked

"physically thirty" Trinket responded

"Just so you know she's twenty-four and has never said cute" Merdum informed

"Stop it with that" Wattson said angrily "What happened"

"Mirage's bar" Wraith responded

"Oh, well there is one room ready, the credits required are half the winnings you got today and will last you six months

As the transaction happened trinket spoke "Guys, she won't let budge"

"Are you sure, she's only one hundred-fifty pounds" Merdum asked

"I'm sure, she's passed out but won't let go" Trinket responded

"Look's like she's going to have to sleep in your bed tonight" Merdum said

Everyone but trinket was smiling now realizing what was going to happen

"But where and how will I sleep?" Trinket asked

Merdum spoke again "Next to her"

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