Chapter 5 A new squad

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"No way" trinket said to Octane and Wattson

As wattson was about to respond Octane interrupted "I think that you could greatly benefit from our skills and that you should jump at this opportunity."

"I don't know" trinket responded

"Look Trink, We've known each other for a while now; It'll be like the old days when you took me to the training range and shot some dummies" Wattson said

"That was before you joined the games, this is different" Trinket said in retaliation

"How so?" Wattson questioned

"Fine, I'll do it; but only because you asked" Trinket said as if to change the topic

"I'll even allow us to get an apex room" Trinket said as to finish the conversation

"Great, I'll set up the preparations" said Wattson

//Wraith/ Mirage


Wraith and Mirage ;Still in their combat armor, Had fallen asleep on the floor after talking about strategy for hours while path had also powered down.

Wraith was the first to wake up when her voices alerted her The door

Wraith had walked to the door groggily and on it said eviction notice and wraith thought to herself Had I seriously forgot, maybe mirage was right; I do need more than what I have right now

Suddenly Mirage had walked ext to her and Wraith immediately elbowed him in the face 

Upon Mirage blasting into blue little particles he had spoke from the other corner of the room "Looks like someone needs a new home"

"That's none of your concern" Wrath said

While arguing some more path had woken up and suggested "What if we rented an apex room"

"I don't know" Wraith said "I don't like being that close to all of the other legends" she added

"Would't in be in our most tactical advantage being that close, We could gain info on the others" Mirage said

Wraith thought for a minute when her voices said You can't get out of this one "Fine" Wraith finally said

"this will be most exciting friends" Pathfinder said


It had taken a day for their their room to be prepared but upon arriving in the lobby they saw Natalie Octane and a random with some sort of modified pulse blade on them and disks with legs 

Wraith told her group to wait a minute before walking up to Wattson and said "Hey Natalie, what are you doing here"

"I should ask you the same thing" Wattson said angrily "It's all over the news that you walked in here, are you quitting?"

"What, no!" Wraith quickly responded "I just came with my new squad to get our room

Wattson quickly looked over Wraiths shoulder seeing Mirage and Path waving to her and Wattson then said "Sorry for accusing you; you've never done that before, I'll Clear all of this up" As she pulled out her holo phone

Wraith swiftly turned around and walked beck to her squad and told them "Lets get to our room"

As they arrived in their room Mirage told them "welcome to our house for the season"

Wraith was astounded on what she saw It was on whole floor of the tower that they walked in with sterile floors and walls with many windows everywhere

"Electronic living, at it's finest" mirage said

Wraith rolled her as as she walked to her room but before she got there mirage grabbed her arm and said "Hey, we have to go buy you some stuff first."

Wraith yanked her arm back and said "Fine, just no touching"

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