Welcome to Venice

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[I'm excited for this story! Warning there's gonna be a lot of made up stuff and please bare with me... And yes the picture is of Caroline Forbes from the Vampire Diaries, how could I resist?]
*Translations at the bottom*

Chapter 1

"Travel is about the Gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown"

The city's unique scape was illuminated by the sun's rays, making it more breath-taking than it already was. The homes, the shops, and the monuments' intricate designs were stunning. It was nothing I had ever seen before, at least not in real life. The passing females dresses were beautiful, but not something you'd see someone wear everyday. Was something taking place?

My head spun as I made my way down the streets of this unknown city I found myself in. I utterly despise traveling, for it always makes me unbelievably sick. And now I find myself on the verge of exhaustion in an overly crowded place. How inconvenient...

"Ava-Mae!!! Hurry uuuppp! Isn't this place beautiful! Just take it all in!" Well at least I have my best friend Lucy... Which really isn't too helpful.

"Je suis très fatigué!!" I groaned glaring at her. Note to self: try not to pack everything article of clothing you own, it really weighs a lot. And lugging around two full suitcases isn't fun at all.

"Mon aussi, copine.... So suck it up and tell me where this place we're staying at is!"

"Umm it's around here somewhere."

"Well that's specific!"

"Here you take the direction letter thingy! I'm exhausted!" I shoved the letter into my brown haired friend's hands.

"But how are we supposed to find the place?!" She exclaimed.

"Ask around!"

"But it says here not to!"

"Oh give me that!" I scanned over the area Lucy pointed out, "zut! You're right... Well uh what do we do?"

"Since they're expecting us tomorrow, why don't we find a place to rest? Like a hotel or something?"

"I think that's the best thing you've said in awhile!" I grabbed onto her shoulder, "we need to hurry up cause I highly doubt you want to carry my unconscious body around." I joked.

"I don't know... It sounds pretty fun." She smirked.

"People would probably think you'd murdered me."

"I doubt they'd even care too!" I gasped dramatically at Lucy's remark,

"How impoli of you!" We burst out laughing, receiving some very odd looks from passerby's. I swear I heard someone say, 'ignore them, they're French'.

"We should probably be a tad bit quiet. I don't wanna get in trouble." Lucy must've heard it too.

"Very good point you have. And Lucy, why do you think so many people have been staring at us? And well, especially me... Is there something on my face?"

"No!!! Besides the fact we're being loud- your hair."

"My hair!?" I started running my hands through my hair making sure my perfect piece of art was okay. My hair is like my pride and joy and it's actually one of the only things I fuss over.

"You should know this, but blonde hair is really rare in Italy because most women have dark hair. And another reason it's considered 'good' is because Aphrodite the goddess of love was blonde."

"Wow I can't believe I just learned something I should've known- and from you of all people!" I actually think that's a really cool fact, now let's hope it doesn't give us too much attention.

"Hey! I do have some smart moments, you can't have them all!"

"I guess you're right..."

"You guess?! Lemme tell you that when my cousin, who's blonde, came to Italy and countless amounts of people went up to her and touched her hair- like all the time-"

"WHAT!?" I shielded my head with my hands.

"Yep yep! And it's a true story too." She seems pretty accomplished with that... Tale... That I'm praying is false. I don't want random strangers touching my hair, I think that's any girls worst nightmare.


I collapsed onto the bed laid out perfectly in front of me. I've been waiting for this moment, to feel a nice warm bed under my figure. On our way to Venice I barely got a wink of sleep, so for the rest of the night, I'm going to enjoy a relaxing evening full of sleep, not having to carry around bags and I'm going to enjoy the fact Lucy is not in the room-


Scratch the sleep and Lucy being gone. So that means literally no sleep. /sigh/

"A what?"

"A dance or party thing where you dress up, but you have a mask over your face and it'll be a lot of fun!"

"I LOVE PARTIES WHERE YOU GET TO DRESS UP!!!" Shooting up from my laid down position, I could practically hear my heart begin to race.

"I KNEW YOU DID!!! SO WHEN I FOUND OUT IT WAS A MAJOR PARTY I KNEW IT WAS DESTINY WE CAME WHEN WE DID!" Please nothing but her 'it's destiny' lectures again...

"Good thing I packed my favorite dress for occasions like this! Except... Where are we going to find masks?"

"I already solved that problem!" Lucy handed me a beautifully made silver mask with crystals that I could just strap around my head and not have to worry about holding it.

"I-It's beautiful! Where did you get it?"

"Ma mére gave me these before we left. I never understood why until the lady at the desk explained it to me."

"Wow... Next time I see your mother I'm thanking her!"

"So you mean in a few years and we totally would have forgotten by then!?" Lucy chuckled.

"Good point... So what time does this masquerade start?"

"Whenever it starts to get dark I believe."

"I can't believe we're here for barely five hours and we'll be going to a party!"

"Oh same!!!" Lucy began to elegantly dance around the room, "I wonder how they dance, and with what kind of music they'll play? And maybe I'll or the two of us will meet someone!" She squealed running into the bathroom, "I'm going to get ready!"

"You're so immature! I personally am going to rest. Wake me up when the sun begins to set, okay?" I pulled the covers over my shoulders turning onto my side.

"Sure sure whatever! I'll probably have you do some winged eyeliner for me though."

"My pleasure, chéri."

I mumbled a thanks, closing my eyes. I didn't realize I was so tired that sleep came to me right away.


Oh good Ava's asleep! I'll just set her dress and mask out so when I wake her she doesn't need to rush. Oh and the shoes will go here and her makeup to the side.

Now for the most important question, how should I do my hair?

je suis très fatigué - I am very tired
Mon aussi, copine - me too friend
Zut - darn
impoli - rude
Ma mére - my mother
Chéri - dear

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