The Job

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[I really liked last chapter... Btw Androphobia is the fear of men... But as you can see Ava actually trusted Ezio! Reminder a lot of stuff is made up]
*translations at the bottom*

Chapter 3

"Can all my thoughts be of you? Because you always put a smile on my face."

-the next day-

"I had the most amazing time with Eric last night!!!" Lucy said for the gosh knows how many times this morning.

"I'm glad you had fun!"

"We even took off our masks and we're making sure we see each other again!"

"Good! You deserve someone."

"I wish you didn't have androphobia, Ava..." She sighed, attempting to console me by giving me a hug.

"Same. But it's always been that way."

"So... I noticed that you weren't at the fountain the whole time. So, I know you didn't come back here and you were with me for fireworks. Maybe you went sightseeing...?"

"Not exactly."

"I've been guessing for awhile, so please tell me."

"Fine," blushing, I continued on, "I got asked to dance..."

"BY A GUY!?"


"HOW WAS IT!? Tell me everything!"

"It was- great-"

"Holy mother of whatever! Someone looks like they have a crush! I can see it!"

"No-no! We just met." I had to force down a smile trying to make its way up to my lips. What is going on!?

"So? Love at first sight, duh!" I could see Lucy getting way too worked up. I knew I needed to change the subject... And fast!

"We need to be at this building for the job by noon. It's ten-thirty so I think we should head out."

"Stop trying to change the subject! My best friend who NEVER interacts with males may be developing a crush on one and she doesn't want to talk about it!? Oh no, chéri!"

"Oh yes, chéri!"

"Ugh fine! But I will get it out of you Bellerose!"

"And you can try! Come one, we have no clue where we're going so we should get a move on."

"Fine." Great now Lucy's going to pout.

"We don't want to leave a bad impression on our first day!"

"Okay okay let's just go!"


Lucy and I exchanged shocked looks. This place is so cool! It's so big, beautiful, and so out of the way! And we're only at the gates!

"We have ten minutes, what do we do?" Lucy asked.

"Uhh wait?" I shrugged, "Better to be early than late."

"I would've had time to finish my breakfast!" I live how that's all she cares about- breakfast.

"Ava-Mae Bellerose and Lucy Bellerose?" Lucy's kinda my older sister... We don't refer to each other as that tough.

"That's us!" We were approached by an older man cladded in robes very similar to Ezio's! Wait...

"I, the Mentor, would like to thank you on coming and helping us on behalf of the Order." He took his hood off.

"You're welcome!" Lucy grinned. I was in way too much shock to understand anything. Maybe I'll see Ezio! Could he have known about me coming so he talked to me? Probably not I mean how would he know what I looked like? The guy who hired us didn't even know.

So I guess I accepted a job to work for assassins as a doctor. Is that bad or good?

"Ava!" I quickly snapped out of whatever I was in when Lucy snapped her fingers in my face.

"Oh sorry- uh..."

"Ava-Mae, I was very impressed with everything I've heard about you, so I'm so glad you accepted." The man who called himself the Mentor said.

"Oh you're welcome."

"Now, you ladies won't actually join the order, but you'll still be aiding us."

"Of course." Now Lucy's getting all serious...

"So if you would please follow me, I'll show you the medical wing."

"Sounds great!"

He followed the older man through intricate hallways, that I thought would be impossible to even think of memorizing. Oh I'll be lost within minutes!

Many people seemed to wonder why two girls with nice dresses were walking through their headquarters, you could tell that by the confused looks their faces showed.

"Don't mind them." The Mentor called back as we trailed them, "they'll get to know you well and you'll get to know them well. No one goes unscathed forever." Very good point, "well here we are. Introduce yourself to the two others who work here. I'm sure you'll become close."

"Thank you." Lucy said with a smile. I forget how official she can act. I watched my older sister push open the doors revealing a wide open room with many windows, beds, curtains, supplies, doors probably leading to other rooms and hallways.

"This is one nice medical wing." I gasped.

"Oh I know right!"

"You two must be Ava-Mae and Lucy!" An older gentleman with short black/gray hair dried his hands with a towel and walked over to us, "the names Anthony." Him and Lucy shook hands, I only have him a smile, "Izzy!"

"Coming! Wait!" A very tall young girl with long dark brown hair came out from behind one of the curtains, "hey I'm Isabella, call me Izzy!" She looks about Lucy's age.

"I'm Lucy and this is my little sister Ava-Mae."

"Just Ava please." I gave the two a smile again.

"Well I'm glad to have new people! Let me finish up back there and we can converse some more."

"Need help?" Anthony asked Izzy.




"So basically that's all you need to know about what you're getting yourself into." Izzy explained to Lucy and I.

"Wow who would've thought we'd work for an assassin organization." Lucy said.

"It's not bad you know. You get your own room here, well kinda." Anthony said somewhat enthusiastically, "I mean Izzy and I share a room." Izzy is Anthony's niece.

"And we are too." Lucy nodded her head.

"So that's where they took our bags." I laughed softly at myself.

"Don't you worry they won't do anythin' with 'em." Anthony reassured.

"I figured they wouldn't."

"Why don't you two tell us some stuff about you." Izzy smiled. Lucy began,

"Well I'm 22, Ava's 19... We're German and French. We grew up in Paris, France. It's awesome there but here is too," smooth Lucy... And I thought it was good you could talk for the both of us, "well truth be told there's not that much to us."

"Same here. Everythin' we told you is about it as well." Anthony stated in agreement.

"Ava do you like books?" Izzy asked me.


"There's a great library, let me take you, since you don't start working until tomorrow."

"That sounds great!"

[kind of a filler oops]
Chéri - dear

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