With you

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[I hope stuff has been flowing xD and yes the picture is modernized /oops/]
*translations at the bottom*

Chapter 6

"Remember, the longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it. That's when you know you truly deserve it."

"Ava wake up!" I groaned shoving Lucy away, "why'd you need me to wake you up anyways?"

I shot up out of the bed, "what time is it?"

"Eight thirty. Why?"

"Oh crap! I need to get ready!"

"For what?" Lucy stood planted on the floor dumbfounded.

"I- uh have plans." I began searching through my clothes.

"Okay...? Wear that dress," she walked over and picked up one of my favorites.

"Thanks." I threw on the dress, lacing up a pair of boots I knew I could walk around in, "will you put my hair in the half up, half down style?"

"Of course, chéri."


"So are you going to tell me what this is for?"


"Fine, just go." She look exasperated, annoyed, and flat out tired.


Finally the front where I'm meeting Ezio is in view, with at least a minute or two to spare. Phew, I thought I was going to be late.

"Hey, glad you came." Ezio was cladded in his normal attire, waiting.

"Yeah. I see you got the blood out." I motioned to his robes, unsure of what else to say.

"Luckily." He held out a hand, I hesitantly reached out and grabbed it. Ezio laced our fingers, then to drag me down the street.

"Where are we going?"

"Breakfast, I assume you're hungry."

"Oh very!"


It was very nice to see Ava so happy just to eat and talk with me. Her smile was pure, genuine, and made her even more beautiful. Just watching the way her hair was blown about and the smiles she gave me while she ate, was enough for me to be able to go days and just think of her. It brought a smile to my face,

"You're beautiful Ava..." She looked at me shocked.

"N-no, I'm really not!"

"Yes, you are. Why would you deny that?" How can she not see any of what I see?

"B-because- I don't know! I'm just not very self confident." She blushed, looking away.

"Well you of all people should be." I cupped her cheek, making her look at me.

"Why do you bother to be friends with me? Most guys don't even bother to converse with me, well it's not like I don't mind that."

"The night we met, I felt something. I'm not sure what. But I want to figure it out, and I'm sure we both find each other intriguing."

"That is true. I just-"

"No." I held a finger to her lips to quiet her, "there's no need to argue with me about why I choose to spend time with you."

"You're right- I can't make up your mind about me can I?"

"No- because I've pretty much have already made up my mind about you."

Here Until the End (Ezio Auditore/Assassin's Creed)Where stories live. Discover now