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[yay they meet again]
*translations at the bottom*

Chapter 4

"We accept the love we think we deserve"

This library's amazing! It has everything from history, science, art and medical information of course!

I was browsing at some books that talked about stitches, dislocation, and broken bones. I know most of the stuff it says but you should always try to see what you can learn that's new.

Hmm, I think the book on antibiotics is over here-

"Eek!" I expected to hit the ground, but instead I fell into a pair of arms, "oh I'm so sorry!" Too embarrassed to make eye contact I started picking up the books I dropped.


"Huh?" I looked up at a very attractive male. Damn... "Wait..." I stood up, obviously much shorter.

Those robes, weapons, that voice...

"E-Ezio?" We both just seemed to stare at each other, unsure of what to do.

"Damn, when you said you were here for a medical job I never make the connection." Then he smirked. Yep it's him, "I'm glad to see you're fine though."

"You're an insidiatori." I said dumbly.

"A what?"

"An assassin."

"Yeah- I am."

"Oh Okay."

"Well you're beautiful, especially without the mask." And you're unbelievably handsome without the hood- that's what I wanted to say but I knew I could never.

"N-no..." My face was probably tomato red. He stepped closer to me,

"Yes you are. And I'm sorry I had to leave so suddenly."

"It was fine. I went and found my friend so-"

"You didn't get hurt right?"

"N-no not at all." He breathed a sigh of relief, that was very obvious.

"Why do you care?"

"Because I care about you."

"But we just met!"

"So?" His hand brushed up against my cheek, moving to my hair. He again tucked a free strand behind my ear like he did last night.

"I have androphobia." I blurted out, immediately regretting it.

"Hold on-" he paused furrowing his brow, "isn't that the fear of men?"

"It is- but wait! Last night, you're the only person I've felt comfortable with and trusted and I had no clue why! I just met you and-"



"Listen, I won't do anything you don't want. I'm pretty respectful towards that kind of stuff."


"Here, I'll get these for you." He picked up the rest of the spewed around books for me.

"Thanks- again. Could you maybe help me take these back to the medical wing?"

"Of course, bella."

"I still don't know what that means."

"Ask around and someone should tell you."

"Okay." Why can't he just tell me, ugh! This means I probably have to go learn a whole new language!


"Thanks Ezio!" We didn't talk much on the way back.

"My pleasure. Ava, one of these days when you're free, why don't I take you out. Maybe go grab something to eat."

"I'd really like that!"

"Sounds like a plan, see you sometime." His hand lingered on my back a bit longer than it should have. I didn't mind though. I watched as he turned and left with some hesitation.

Nothing made sense. None of this. I can't deny the fact I feel something for him- but it's- just impossible. Years of being scared and not being able to trust and he comes in and totally tears it down. How could one man do that!?

"Ava who was that?"

"Oh hi Lucy." Let's avoid talking to her- let's just go over here and see if she'll leave me alone.

"Who was that?" Lucy grabbed my wrist.

"That," I smiled, "was the guy I met at the masquerade." No use hiding it I guess...

"He's hot."

"I guess..."

"You know he is! But why did you get to meet your mystery man aga- AH wait! He's an assassin!!!!"


"Did you know that last night?"

"I had a vague idea." Here comes the 20 questions...

"Did he hurt you?"

"No, he was very polite."

"Did you two exchange names?"

"We did yesterday."

"You know whatever! This was the guy we were talking about that I'm sure you like! This is amazing! Meant to be!!!"

"Just shut up." I don't want to get lectured.

"Think about it Ava! If you felt comfortable and didn't have a panic attack around him, then it's a start! It'll be great!"

"How about we get ourselves organized for tomorrow. I don't want to talk about it."

"Fine. But you need to open yourself up and quit being so scared!"


Ava-Mae Bellerose.



I met her not knowing what would happen, and here she is now, working where I basically work. It must've been why I was drawn to her in the first place. Not just her hair, dress or anything else I saw last night. She's beautiful, not just with her looks but her personality. And that is something rare, to see such a pure young lady.

I can't believe that a girl I just met is making me feel so strange. I'm not a stranger to love, but even now I'm so confused. We barely know each other and I'm acting as if I've fallen for her. Love at first sight? Maybe. But with what she told me, her phobia, I would have to be careful. I wouldn't want to lose her.

"Ezio, have you had a chance to meet the two new medical gurus?" I turned to see one of my fellow master assassins standing there.

"I met one of them, Ava." Just her name was perfect to say.

"I see. Well her sister's nice too, but doesn't look anything like Ava. I will say Ava's very pretty, you don't see hair like hers a lot."


"You seem distracted. Talk to me."

"Ava. I met her last night at the masquerade without really knowing... And we met again to today and it was- I don't know how to explain it."

"How about I let you figure that out for yourself." No wonder Ava seemed annoyed when I said that... You want answers and you're not getting them.

But really... What do I do?

Insidiatori - assassin in Latin
Bella - beautiful

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