The Masquerade

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[I had the hardest time ever trying to find a dress so I settled with this one cause it's lovely! I also started this story because of how much I love the one shot I wrote with Ezio, so you may see some similarities]
*translations at the bottom*

Chapter 2

"Find a mask and wear it well, so your true identity no one can tell"

"Ava!!! Ava-Maeee!!!" I shook my blonde haired friend again hopefully waking her slumber, "I swear that if you don't wake up!!! I'm going to-"

"You're going to what...?" Ava groggily sat up.

"Oh you know... Nothing! Now... GET READY! The sun has basically set and I wanna get going! And there's gonna be firewooorks!!!" I squealed with excitement. I cannot believe this is happening!

"Don't worry I want to go just as much as you!"

"Oh I doubt that! I want to meet a man and then, we're gonna dance, fall in love- but then! Fate will drive us apart- but destiny will bring us together once more!!! Oh it'll be grand!"


"You're crazy, you know that Lucy?" I still cannot believe she just said that. It was hysterical! I just want to see the dresses, fireworks, eat food, listen to music, and just see the sights. Dancing isn't something I'd really like to partake in.

"I'm eccentric excuse you! But I do except you to dance at least once! You have gifted talent Ava-Mae, and I expect you to use it!"

"Oh boy don't remind me, chéri."

"Too bad when you broke your ankle you gave it up!" She threw her arms in the air as if a tragedy had struck.

"It was only last year may I remind you, so I don't want to risk injury again. And may I say, I did not give it up! I love ballet and always will!" I had a horrible accident with my ankle while in the studio. Luckily it was after our performance.

"Okay okay... Just no overdoing it!" She's so stubborn!

"Fine!" I mumbled the last part, "sale gosse."

"Excuse me?" The brunette placed her hands on her hips.

"Oh nothing, amour." I tried to sound like I was mocking her... But of course she knows better.

"You're too nice for your own good, Ava-Mae. Sometimes a pushover..."

"I am not!"

"Are too!"

"I'm not going to engage in this childish game- unless you don't want me to get ready..?"

"NO! You must hurry!!!" Lucy then lunged at me, grabbing my arm and pulling me from my safe haven of warmness. "now go! It's officially night out! And just listen to the gleeful sounds outside! Don't you just want to be a part of it?!"

"Ahh yes I do! Give me a few minutes! And can I request for you to do my hair?"

"Oui! As long as my winged eyeliner is perfect!"


-after makeup and hair-

"Oh just look at how perfect you are!" Lucy squealed as she looked me up and down.

My hair was set into curls, dancing down past my shoulders. I had very little makeup on, for I could care less about that, besides, we're wearing masks- and still Lucy wanted the winged eyeliner. I'm very thankful I packed my dress shoes perfect for walking, dancing, and still looked classy. No one will probably see them anyways.

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