One Chance

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[I feel like I made Lucy have too much of a character change really drastically...]
*translations at the bottom*

Chapter 8

"We met for a reason, either you're a blessing or a lesson."

I've been "working" for about two hours.. Which means I've done nothing. We haven't had one person come in at all. So I'm stuck with my sister who's been getting up on my nerves since I woke up. And I'll say I'm very hard to make irritable. It takes a lot. But her demeanor has changed a lot from, carefree to overprotective.

"Lucy, are you okay."

"W-why would you ask that?"

"Something about you changed so quickly, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She stared me down, enough for me not to be able to stand my ground. I cowered away, taking a seat in a different room. Aren't we suppose to tell each other everything? I mean I was going to tell her about Ezio, but she's not telling me something so I won't tell her. Oh I sound terrible.

"Can I help you, sir?" Lucy asked someone coming in. I didn't bother to look up.

"I'm looking for Ava." Ezio.


"I just want to talk to her."


"Five minutes..."

"No." Lucy what the heck!? I didn't move from my seat in the other room, not sure how this would play out. What do I do? He probably doesn't even know who she is!

"I'm sure she can speak for herself-"

"I'm her older sister so I will speak for her." That's it... I entered the room to find Lucy looking annoyed and Ezio looking just as irritated and shocked.

"Lucy what in the world are you-"

"Do you know him?"

"Yes, in matter of fact he's my friend."

"Were you out with him the other day?"

"Yes we got something to eat, what's wrong with that?"

"Everything! I should know where you are at all times!" Lucy practically yelled.

"You know what Miss Bellerose, I see you care about your little sister, but I promise I won't be long." Ezio interjected.

"You're an assassin." Lucy hissed.

"Master, in fact."

"That makes you dangerous." Her barrage continued.

"Look, I met Ava the night of the Masquerade and she's perfectly fine. Am I right?" Lucy looked me up and down.

"So that was you." Her intense glare at him softened, "I'll be nice and give you ten minutes."

"Thank you." He smiled, and motioned for me to follow him. I mumbled thanks to my sister as I walked by her and out the door. Her eyes were probably boring into my back right now. Seeing her in a little bit will end badly.

"I'm sorry about that. She's been acting really different lately, she's never been like that before."

"It's fine. How about we go outside..."

"Sure, I'd love some air."


I couldn't help but blush as Ezio slipped both my hands into his once we were seated outside the headquarters. This feeling became familiar, and it was comforting. His hands were bigger than mine, but it still seemed perfect.

Here Until the End (Ezio Auditore/Assassin's Creed)Where stories live. Discover now