The Date

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[the song Ezio's Family really hits hard in the feels like omg]
*I'm gonna stop writing translations at the bottom after this xD too repetitive oh but the translations will be there, oops I made it sound like they wouldn't be*

Chapter 9

"Don't rush on anything. When the time is right, it'll happen."

"I look okay, right?" I showed off my dress and everything else to Lucy.

"Of course! You always look amazing."

"Alright well I'm going to head out."

"Be safe." Her eyes pleaded, "I'll try my best to lay off."

"You know I will." Pulling her into a hug, I truly hoped this would be the last of the protective Lucy, "see you." I left her standing there and went to meet Ezio.

I hope he's not worried that I wouldn't be able to show. He's probably not though. I can handle myself.

"Hey!" Approaching Ezio I could feel my nerves rising. Why am I nervous? We're simply just going out and hanging. I wonder what we're doing because he did tell me to eat before, so let's see.

"Hey, you look nice." He gave me a smile before putting his hood up.


"You're adorable when you blush." Oh no I was blushing!?

"Oh I- uh didn't mean to, sorry."

"Don't apologize, tesoro mio."

"What does that mean?"

"My darling."

"Okay. I feel like I'm going to be asking you to translate a lot." How am I suppose to respond when he calls me nicknames like that? I wish I wasn't so awkward...

"Hah probably." Ezio wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leading me down the streets. In return I put an arm around his waist.

"Where are we headed?"

"You'll see."

"Oh just tell me!"

"No, you can wait." I groaned, "you really aren't good at waiting, are you?"

"Not when it comes to surprises like these!"

"Just be patient, bella."

"Fine! But I'm trusting you..."

"And you should."

We walked for quite a ways. I was in amazement just seeing the architecture and everything else the city had to offer. I know I've said its beautiful here before, but getting to see all the smaller, out of the way things, up close is very nice. Vendors, monuments, people, small gardens, it's all (in my opinion) what makes this city- all of this. But not being familiar with this amazing city did have its disadvantages. For example, I have no clue where I am. Maybe I should start going on walks...? No that really wouldn't be very safe- especially if I went alone.

I began to have a feeling we were reaching our destination because I saw a park up ahead. It was nice there's an area for people to go and relax... Especially when it's really pretty, especially at night with the moons rays reflecting off the pond. There was no way I could contain my smile.

"I can see you like it."

"Yes! I totally wish I stumbled across this place sooner!"

"Yeah, well I'm glad you didn't." He tightened his grip around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him, "I wasn't really sure what to do but, I figured you'd be fine with anything."

"I really am!"

"You are easy going. Do you just want to walk around because- I really want to talk with you about something."

"I'm up for it!" One of his hands found mine, intertwining our fingers. I couldn't help but smile at him, "anyways- uh what did you wanna talk about?"


"I don't get what you mean..." He sighed,

"I figured you wouldn't."

"You'll have to tell me..."

"I will. Ava..." He placed a hand on the side of my right cheek, "Ava- I- I don't know how to say it but- Ho bisogno di te. I need you. And- I don't know how you were able to just make me feel that way but- ti amo. I love you, and I want you to be mine." I stared at him, unable to comprehend any of it. No ones ever said anything like that to me- "Ava, please say- something." His eyes pleaded.

"I-I-I don't understand..."

"Then I'll clear things up." Just like he sought out to do the first time we met, he leaned in closing the gap. The moment I felt his lips touch mine, my stomach erupted with butterflies. The kiss barely lasted two seconds, nothing intimate, but enough for me to know how I truly felt about him.

"You like me...?"

"No, I love you."

"I-I feel the same." A smile appeared on Ezio's face. He rested his forehead on mine,

"I'm glad... Then will you be mine and only mine?"

"Yes." I gave him a bright smile, throwing my arms around him. He returned the hug graciously. With his arms around me I could just feel my body relax, and it was something I really enjoyed, being able to feel so comfortable with someone. Ezio then brought my face up to his, placing another quick kiss to my lips.

What seemed to be a perfect moment was ruined by an incoming FREEZING blast of air. I shivered.

"It's getting dark and cold. Let's head back." He shot a smile in my direction wrapping an arm around me.

"Sounds good, I forgot how could it gets sometimes."


"I'll see you tomorrow, tesoro mio."

"And you, Ezio." I planted a kiss to his cheek, entering the room I shared with Lucy.

Closing the door, a huge smile appeared on my face, butterflies swarming in my stomach,

"OH MY GOSH!" I squealed, practically jumping up and down.

Where's Lucy? Opening the curtains I allowed some moonlight to make it's way in. Oops I probably shouldn't be so loud.... Lucy was laying in bed fast asleep. At least she's not up to bother me...

Lying in bed, I could still feel the tingling on my lips from when Ezio had kissed me. Never have being in a relationship before, I am very excited to see what the future brings.

Tesoro mio - my darling
Bella - beautiful
Ho bisogno di te - I need you
Ti amo - I love you

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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