The Game

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[^I love this picture^]
*translations at the bottom*

Chapter 7

"I don't trust words. I trust actions."

"So when are you going to spill and tell me where you were this morning?" Lucy glared at me as she bandaged someone up.

"I went and got breakfast." Luckily, Ezio got me back twenty minutes before noon so I had plenty of time. But now Lucy won't stop questioning me.

"Mhmm. I believe you went for breakfast but-"

"But what? Do you think I was just parading around doing who knows what?" I may sound rude, but it's been two hours of her acting like my mom. And my patience is really being tested, "I'm sorry I'm sounding so short with you."

"It's fine. But- I just feel like you were with someone and that's all I want to know." She patted her patient on the back letting him go.

"I was, but I'm old enough and I can handle myself." She sighed,

"That's all you needed to tell me! But you're 19 Ava, and you're still immature at lots of stuff."

"I know my age, but I feel I'm more mature than others." Can she just lay off, she doesn't have to know what I do 24/7.

"Yes. But you're 19. 19 Ava! I don't want you going around with people, especially when we just got here and don't know many people."

"You're sounding like mom! Stop!" I slammed down the tools I was organizing and ran out of the wing...

"AVA-MAE!" I ignored my older sister and still exited, and headed towards the only place I thought to go. The library. I could research what Ezio told me.

I wiped my eyes with my sleeve, drying the tears. Lucy was never like a sister to me, she never cared what I did or who I hung out with. So why does she care now all of a sudden? Maybe I shouldn't have told her she was treating me like mom would've. But she knows how hard I took her death- murder. I was always closer with her and not Lucy. Lucy was barely even there for our mom, ever, so in a way I hope I made her feel bad. But at the same time I hate hurting people's feelings. And well- my mom isn't Lucy's actual mom, but in a way it is. To he quite frank, it's very complicated. When her dad died her and her mom moved in with me and my mom, brother and dad. Because her mom's my dad's sister so they took on the maiden name again. So it's really a lot to take in. And am I being too dramatic over this whole situation with Lucy? And it's not only this incident where she's babied me, so are my feelings and actions justified?

I came upon the library, opening the doors right away and doing my best to stay unnoticed. I don't want to deal with people asking me if I'm okay right now.

I silently made my way back to the literature section, hoping to find a book to help me with the Italian language.

This one should be good. I grabbed a that had the basics of Italian. I have an idea of what it may be but I have to be sure. Amour in French means love and amore is kinda like love in French so maybe it also means love. Mon in French is my, and mio seems kinda similar so does mio amore mean- my love? No it can't... Ezio wouldn't use that to refer to me... Ah here we go... My gosh it does mean my love... Wait why though? He was probably joking, but I kinda hope he's not-

But did he find out what chéri means?

Even if he did I know I'm right so in a way I won. But what would I ask for that he has to offer? Or in another case what would he ask me? I don't have much to give, I'm not special. Even if he thinks so.

"Ava... Your sister's worried about you."

"Izzy- I- I figured. But I'm not sure if I wanna talk to her right now."

"I'm just saying she feels terrible about earlier, and I think you should forgive her. She probably feels as if she should be filling in your guys' moms place." I don't want her to feel that way, no!

"I'll talk to her, thanks!"

"Anytime. I just don't want your guys bond to fall apart. And I did come here on my own free will, not because she asked."

"That's thoughtful of you." I gave her a smile.

"Well you better go... So should I."

"Yep. Can I ask something?"

"Ask away."

"Does mio amore mean my love?"

"Yes it does, why?"

"No reason. Thanks again!" I have her nice smile with a small wave as I exited.


"Hey..." I closed the door to my shared room with Lucy.

"Hi... I-I'm sorry." Her face was red, oh gosh she's been crying!

"Oh please don't cry!" Quickly racing over to her, I embraced her in a tight hug, "I'm sorry I brought mom into this."

"Don't be, I should stop treating you like a child, even though you still kinda are."

"I know..."

"Listen, I'll stop lecturing you if you promise me one thing."


"Not to just go somewhere with people or by yourself, without me knowing and or being there. And I have to approve." Can she do that!?

"Huh? What..."

"Promise me."

"I can't-"

"Why not?"

"It's not fair."


"Fine." I mumbled, stripping down into my night gown, "I'm going to bed."

"Good, we have to be up before nine. Night."


Is she allowed to put such restrictions on me? I get I'm 19, but it's the only information she can use against me!

Hopefully tomorrow will be better and seeing Ezio will help. How am I going to explain him to her?

She seemed to like the fact I had a guy in my life, but now all of a sudden her whole demeanor has changed about everything.

Did something happen I don't know about?

Amour - love
Amore - love
Mon - my
Mio - my
Mio amore - my love
Chéri - dear

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