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P.O.V. Matt

I was blinded by the light that waited behind the crack we just drove through. I couldn’t see anything so I stepped on the breaks in order to not cause an accident. Eventually my car stopped and slowly the bright light disappeared. Now we could finally see something. The crack in space closed behind us and we could hear Murph screaming in his robotic voice: “Curse you Matthew Bellamy! One day I will find you! And I will delete you!” Then the crack closed completely. We all crawled out of the car and had to sit down for a moment. Now we looked around to find out where the fuck we actually are. We sat on the ground of an old factory building. It looked like it has been abandoned a long time ago. Only a few rusty metal parts lay around on the ground. After a few minutes we got up and walked outside. The bright sun felt warm on our faces, a feeling we didn’t have for a long time. “Wait, I know this!”, said Dom, “Our house is just a few blocks away!” Yeah he was right. This was our home town! "So we are back? This is definitely the real world?", I asked, looking around. "Jap, looks like it.", said Chris. Slowly we walked back to our house.

We still didn't know what the fuck actually happened the past few days. First I was travelling between two different simulations, saved Dom a couple of times but then it turned out Chris was actually controlled by Murph and we broke out of the simulation together. After a few minutes of walking, a few fans approached us and asked for a photo. Okay now I'm sure. This is real. Muse still extisted. After the fan had run off I pulled Dom close to me and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. We proceeded to hold hands for the rest of the walk.

Finally we were home. I took off my jacket, threw it on the couch and instantly went down to our basement. I opened the door and... everything was there. All of my guitars, Chris' bass and Doms drumset. I breathe a sigh of relief. I picked up one of my black Mansons and plugged it in the amp. I started to play a new riff, something that just came to my mind. This jurney, all the things that happened, the blood, sweat and tears... the whole simulation thing. I was inspired like never before. Suddenly Dom stood beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You're such a nerd, you know.", he said and placed a kiss on my cheek. "I know but this whole shit gave me ideas for a whole new album!", I giggled. "Hold on, listen to this!" I grabbed my pick and played the riff from before. And I started to sing.

I have lived in darkness
For all my life, I've been pursued
You'd be afraid if you could feel my pain
And if you could see the things I am able to see

Break me out, break me out
Let me flee
Break me out, break me out
Set me free

I hail from the dark side
For all my life, I've been besieged
You'd be scared living with my despair
And if you could feel the things, I am able to feel

Break me out, break me out
Let me flee
Break me out, break me out
Set me free

Break me out, break me out
Let me flee
Break me out, break me out
Set me free
Save me from the dark side
Break me out, break me out
Set me free

"And you just made that up? Like that?", said Dom amazed. "Uh yeah..." I said, "I'm inspired!" I shrugged. Dom smiled at me. "I love it. Almost like all the feelings from that adventure packed in one song." He sat on my lap and pressed his lips against mine. Finally this whole shit is over. We are back to normal.

Save Me From The Dark Side [Belldom] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now