Prologue: Immigration

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I was on my way to America with Monsieur LaFayette's friend, Monsieur Jefferson. They decided that after the loss of my father in the Revolution that France was not safe for me any longer.

LaFayette and Jefferson disagreed about the family I was to live with, but, finally Jefferson gave in. Even as young as I am, LaFayette thinks I would be a good fit to help the mother with the children. Hamilton. That was the name of the family, I'd live with. They have four children and the mother needs help with the younger ones while she teaches the older ones.

One day, I might become a governess. This would be a good beginning for that. As a French girl with a mother from England, I learned English and French at the same time, so I would be a good tutor for American children.

"Amelia, do you see the land? This is your new home," Mr. Jefferson said.

I looked out over the ship's side at this new country, my new beginning. "Will I be acceptable as a mother's assistant?"

Mr. Jefferson smiled at me, "Monsieur LaFayette is a friend of the family. You will be safe with them."

As we stepped off the ship, a man with a boy about my age approaches us.

"Jefferson, is this the young lady?" The man looked down at me.

"She is. Her name is Amelia."

I smile gently and curtsy, "Bon jour, I mean, hello, sir. I do speak English. My mother was from England."

Mr. Hamilton seemed surprised and leaned down to me, "Hello, Amelia, it's nice to meet you, I am Alexander. This is my son, Philip," he said as he brought the boy closer.

The boy stepped out from behind his father, "Bon jour, Amelia." He smiled and his green eyes sparkled.

That was the moment I knew my world would never be the same.

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