Demanding Satisfaction

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Amelia's POV

As summer changed to autumn, the rest of the family returned home. Alex had gone to back to school along with James and John. Mrs. Hamilton was preparing for the new baby and enjoying her days with William and Eliza. I spent a lot of time with Angie. We became more like sisters since the announcement of Philip's and my engagement. Philip spent many hours at the law office with Mr. Hamilton.

We spent some time with Adam. He was a very kind man. He and Philip would sometimes meet at the pub after they finished working for the day. I was happy that Philip had a friend.

One night in late November, Mrs. Hamilton has taken the children to visit her sister and told me they would be home late. I expected Philip to be home for dinner, but he never showed up. Which was very disappointing because I had finally gotten my veil for our wedding and wanted to show him everything together.

I stayed up, waiting for him to come home. At some point I must have fallen asleep in the parlor because I was startled awake by a loud banging at the front door. I walked over and opened it, revealing Adam.

"Adam? What are you doing here at this hour?"

He was panting and seemed in a panic, "Amelia! It's Philip! He's challenged Eacker to a duel!"

My heart stopped, "When?! Is he alright?!"

He leaned on the door frame, "It's happening at dawn. Across the river. I'm to be his second. Amelia, you need to come. If something happens... You need to come."

I was still in my green, lace dress, but I grabbed my shawl and followed Adam to the docks.

Philip, what were you thinking? And how did I not expect this? Why didn't you come home and tell me?

There were a few of Philip's other friends waiting on us, "Adam, what the hell are you thinking? He told us NOT to tell her. What do you think he's going to do when we show up WITH her?"

Adam pushed past them and helped me into the boat, "If something happens to him," he looked at me, sadly, "she deserves to be with him."

My stomach was in knots. The others got in the boat and began rowing over the Hudson to New Jersey.

Philip's POV

I had asked a few of my friends to witness the duel, but they weren't here yet and it's nearly dawn. I can't begin without my second. Where were they?

Just then, I saw them coming over the hill with some girl trailing behind. "Couldn't leave the girl by herself, boys?" I teased them. As they got closer, I realized that that wasn't just a girl. It was Amelia.

I shoved them out of the way and grabbed her shoulders, "What are you doing here?" I glared at my friends over my shoulder.

Amelia turned my head back to her, "I could ask you the same thing." Her voice was stern, like a mother scolding a child. She had never spoken to me like that before. Then, I noticed the look in her eyes didn't match her voice. Her eyes looked... scared, hurt.

"Ami, I knew you would try to stop me," I replied, gently, as I took her hand off my face.

Her brow furrowed, "And so you decided not to tell me, at all? What if something happens to you?! Was Adam supposed to show up at the house with your blood on his hands to tell me?!"

I took one of her hands and held it to my chest, "Amelia, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

I could tell she was still upset, but she softened, "I'm not leaving, so you can just forget it."

I sighed, knowing that I wouldn't win this, "I won't ask you to just-just stand off to the side away from me. If you're too close, you could get hurt. Adam will be near me, but I'll have the others stay with you."

She didn't look happy about it, but nodded. Just then, Eacker decided to show up.

"Mister Eacker, how was the rest of your show?" I taunted him as I approached. I shot a glance over my shoulder. Adam was following me while Amelia and the others were finding a spot to stand.

"I'd rather skip the pleasantries. Let's go!" He responded, very offhandedly.

His second and Adam readied the pistols and gave one to each of us. The witnesses began to count. Amongst the voices, I heard a female voice counting in French.

Amelia. I hope I don't ruin us for this. I couldn't let it slide.

"Five! (Cinq)!" I heard shouted. I glanced over and saw her standing with the doctor, whose back was to me.

I aimed my gun at the sky and began to turn on six.

"Sept!" I heard her voice over the others at the same time I heard a gun go off.

Then, I felt it. A pain growing in my side. I looked down to see my clothes beginning to turn red. Then, I heard her scream.

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