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Philip's POV

Amelia seemed so unsure after the run in with my father. I didn't care about what he thought, all I wanted was her. She looked so sad. Her brown eyes looked so lost, though, I understood. She lived with my family longer than she lived with her own. And now, my father was treating her like she was less than us. Like she wasn't worthy.

I just wanted to comfort her, but I didn't know how. I took her hand and started towards home, "It's you and me, love. I promise."

When we got home, she went to her room to write to Mr. LaFayette like she did a few times a week. I went to study for my final exam tomorrow. I heard a knock at my door, "Philip, dear, I spoke with your father," started my mother. She smiled, happily at me, "I was able to get him to compromise." I jumped up from my desk, "What did he say?" She looked at me, "You may marry Amelia." I felt my face light up.

"After you have been working as a lawyer for six months. However, Amelia does not have to work as a governess between now and then. She is your fiancée and that's the end of it. If she chooses to continue helping with your siblings, I would appreciate it, but it's not necessary." I thought for a few minutes, "I need to discuss this with Amelia and if she agrees, also, then that settles it." Mother nodded, "Go talk to her."

I went and spoke to Amelia about my father's compromise. Her face brightened, "I can do that! If he's allowing us to be together, then I'll wait. As long as it ends with having you, I'll wait." Her happiness brought a smile to my face, "What about helping with my siblings?" She hugged me, "They're letting me stay here. The least I can do is help your mother in that time."

I stood there with her in my arms for a few moments, "I'm so happy that Father accepted us." I pulled back a bit, "I will tell Mother and I need to finish studying." She started fidgeting with a piece of my loose hair, "Do you need help? I'm fully willing to help any way I can." I took her hand and kissed it, "I don't need help, but I wouldn't mind your company. I don't know if I'll be sleeping tonight." She smiled and nodded, "If you want to settle yourself in the parlor, I'll bring a book and sit with you."

I spoke to Mother about the agreement and told her I would be studying in the parlor with Amelia for the night. I gathered my things from my room and went to the parlor. I found Amelia reading in the chair by the window. I settled on the couch by the coffee table.

After a few hours, I glanced up to see Amelia asleep in the chair with her book on the floor. I took off my coat and used it as a blanket for her. I picked up her book realizing I didn't ask her what she was reading. Shakespeare, I should've known. She loved Shakespeare, especially the sonnets.

I finished studying early in the morning. As I was putting my things away, Amelia started to stir. She blinked, groggily, "Did I fall asleep?" I chuckled a little, "Yes, but just having you near was nice." Her auburn hair was everywhere; her bun was long gone. I didn't realize how long her hair was. I hadn't seen her hair loose like this in years. "When do you need to leave for your exam?" She asked. I looked at the clock, 5:30 AM. My exam was at seven, "In about an hour." She smiled, "Will you play piano for me for a little bit? The song your mother taught you when we were young? When you were first learning French." I looked down at her with a smile, "If you sit with me."

We sat down on the piano bench. I started to play, "Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf," I changed the melody at seven just like I did as a child. Amelia giggled just like she did as a girl. She laid her head on my shoulder and sang along with me.

Time for me to leave came too soon, "Love, I need to go, but as soon as my exam has been graded, I will be home. Promise." I kissed her forehead and left for school.

Amelia's POV

I waited for Philip to come home. Mrs. Hamilton didn't need my help for the day because her sister was visiting, so I decided to practice violin. I hadn't played in a very long time. When we were children, Philip would play piano and sing while I accompanied him on my violin. I learned to play when I was very little in France. My governess had taught me while Father and Louis were away on trips.

I lost myself in my music until I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist. I turned my head to be welcomed by a kiss on my cheek. "I haven't heard you play in years," Philip whispered against my cheek. I set my violin and bow on the chair and turned around to him. "I felt inspired today. Oh! How did your exam go?" I inquired. A smile spread across his face, "Meet the latest graduate of King's College." I hugged him excitedly, "I'm so proud of you!" He booped my nose, "So six months would be..." I thought for a moment, "December. That's when we're allowed to get married. Will you be working at your father's office?" He nodded, "I start next week. There's one big difference between how my father and I will work, though." I raised an eyebrow at him, "And what will that be?" He chuckled, "I'll be home every night."

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