The Storm Around Us

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Amelia's POV

I heard Philip's voice and whimpered a confirmation from under my blankets. I felt my bed move under the weight of someone sitting down. "Ami," his voice was gentle, "do you want me to hold you?" I poked my head out to look at him. He'd taken his coat off from earlier. I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I nodded. He lied down next to me and pulled me against him. "I'm here, Love. You're safe. I won't let anything happen to you," he comforted as he held me.

I sniffled, "I'm sorry if I woke you," I wiped my eyes. He ran a hand along my face, "You didn't wake me. Though, I was surprised. I hadn't heard you scream from a storm in a long time." Just then the thunder crashed, I clung to his shirt, "Whenever there's a storm, I just don't sleep. Since my room is downstairs, as long as I'm quiet, no one knows I'm still afraid of storms."

He held me tighter, "Ami, you don't need to feel ashamed. Can I ask why you're afraid of storms, though?" I blinked, "When I was on the ship from France, there was a horrible storm. A few people were washed overboard. The lightning nearly set the ship on fire at one point. And the thunder. It was so loud. I could feel it in my chest."

I buried my face in his chest, "I know I'm safe, but the fear is still there." He ran his hand over my hair, "Well, from now on, I'll be with you. To, at least, try to make you feel safe."

I looked into his green eyes, "Are you afraid of anything, Philip?" He looked away for a moment, "Just one thing." I pleaded, "Please, tell me." He brought his eyes back to mine. There was something sad in his eyes, "Something happening to you. Especially, if I could've prevented it. That's why I'm always so worried about you." I smiled at his vexed face and took his hand, "Hey, I'm okay. I'm here with you. And I'm not going anywhere."

Little did I know, we'd be having a very similar conversation in a few months...

Philip's POV

Some time passed after the storm without much happening. I started working with my father. My mother was preparing for a new baby. My siblings were doting on my soon-to-be wife. And Amelia was planning for our wedding.

July 4th rolled around and the speaker, George Eacker, said some awfully nasty things about Father. I was holding Amelia's hand during the speech and could feel anger bubbling inside me.

"Philip, please, don't start something with him. I know you love your father, but I'd die if something happened to you," Amelia pleaded with me. I looked in her eyes and saw fear. I couldn't do something that scared her this much. I kissed her forehead, "Come on, Ami. Let's get out of here." I took her hand and led her away. The anger still boiled inside me, though.

Once we were away, she slipped her hand out of mine. I stopped, confused, "What's wrong?" She put her hands behind her back, "No-nothing, you were just squeezing my hand tightly." That was when I realized my hands were clenched. "Ami, I'm so sorry. Let me see," I pulled her hand from behind her back and noticed how red it was. "Oh god, Ami. I-I didn't mean to," I started to tear up.

She took my face in her hands, "Shh, I'm okay. It was an accident." She wiped my tears, "Let's go home, okay?" I nodded. She took my hand, even though I tried not to hold her hand for fear of hurting her again.

How could I hurt her? That's the worst thing I could do. I can't believe she held my hand after I hurt her.

On the way home, we ran in to my friend, Adam. He had just moved to the city for a position he had secured at an accountant's office. "It's so good to see you, Adam," I clasped his hand. He returned the gesture, "And you, too! Going well at your father's office?" I snorted, "Oh, yes. Though, not all in town are a fan of ours." Adam rolled his eyes, "I heard Eacker earlier, the scoundrel."

He took Amelia's hand and kissed it, "And who might you be, Miss?" She smiled, happily, "Amelia Mercier. Philip's fiancée." Adam gaped at me, "When did that happen?! You never told me." I chuckled and put my arm around Amelia, "A few months ago. We're set to be married in December." He smiled, "Well, congratulations! I need to go, but I would love to catch up soon," he clasped my hand again. I agreed and we went our own ways.

The rest of our family is still upstate, so most nights it's just Amelia and I at home. Father is still working late into the night and sleeping at the office. Most nights Amelia and I would deliver dinner to him. It's not a bad thing, though, I got Amelia to myself this way.

What Eacker had said about Father still rang in my mind and I was still incredibly angry. I tried not to think about it, but it was never far from my thoughts. He disgraced Father's name, my name. And what would soon be Amelia's name.

I was writing at my desk. It was late; Amelia had gone to bed hours ago. I thought if I wrote my anger out, then maybe it would leave my body. I was wrong. It boiled stronger the more I wrote.

Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around my shoulders. I turned around to see a very sleepy looking Amelia smiling down at me. "I thought you'd gone to sleep," I stood and stroked the hair around her face.

She pushed herself up on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek, "I had, but I woke up and wanted to check on you." Sweet, gentle woman. "I can't sleep," I replied. She looked thoughtful for a moment, "Do you want to come sleep in my room? I know it's hard sleeping by yourself, sometimes." I laid my forehead against hers, "Please?" She always quieted my thoughts.

That night started a pattern. Nights where it was just the two of us at home, we would sleep wrapped in each other's arms. It was a comfort to feel her so close, to smell her hair, to hear her breathing.

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