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A/N: I went as PG as I could for this.

Philip's POV

"So I have a question," she said to me. I nodded, "Go ahead."  She started playing with the buttons on my vest, "Why haven't you tried to take me to bed? I know you have been with girls at school, so why haven't you tried?" I pulled her closer to me, "Are you saying you want to?" She giggled, "You know what I mean." I pushed the hair off her face, "I didn't want to rush you. And you're not like the girls at school." She raised her eyes up to mine, "And how is that?" I kissed her, "You didn't beg and worship me. You know me, really know me. More than "Philip Hamilton, son of Alexander Hamilton, grandson of Philip Schuyler." You know the me that I don't want people to see. And you still want me."

I looked around, "So where is everyone?" She smiled, "Your aunt, Angelica, came to town, so they took your siblings up to your grandparents' a few days early." I pulled her, tightly, against me, "So until Alex is done with school, we're alone?" She had a look in her eyes that I hadn't seen before...lust, "We are."

Suddenly, we were kissing and backing our way to her room. She pushed the door shut with her back and pulled me by my shirt collar. I picked her up and wrapped her legs around me. She pushed my jacket off onto the floor while I was loosening the laces on her dress. She undid the buttons on my vest. I pulled her dress off, leaving her in her corset and bloomers. She quickly took off my shirt until all I was wearing were my pants. We made our way to the bed and finished undressing each other...

Amelia's POV

The next morning, I woke in my bed feeling Philip's lips on my shoulder and his arms around me. "Mmm...mon coeur," I whispered. Philip rubbed his nose against my ear, "Good morning, Ami. How are you feeling?" I turned towards him, "I feel like I could do that again." I kissed him and bit his lower lip, playfully. He was tracing circles on my back and chuckled, "I completely agree."

"We should probably get up. Alex is supposed to be home today, isn't he?" I pulled the blanket up around myself. Philip nodded and felt around on the floor for his pants, "Later today, yes. Then, we're supposed to meet the rest of the family at my grandparents' house." He stood up and brought me a chemise and bloomers to put on. He kissed me and picked up the rest of his things, "I'm going to change. Meet me in the parlor?" I nodded.

I dressed and went to the parlor. Philip arrived a few moments after me. A smile spread across his face as he put his hand out to me. I looked at his hand and up to his face, confused. "Will you dance with me?" He took my hand. I giggled, "Philip, there's no music." He swept me into his arms, "And no one is here, so what does it matter?" We danced for some time. Philip stopped dancing and looked at me. "What?" I asked. He smiled, "I was just thinking how lucky I am." I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I'm pretty lucky, too."

Philip's POV

I knew Alex wouldn't be home until a bit later, so we went into the city to check in with Father since he hadn't left with the rest of the family. I hadn't seen him since our disagreement in the garden a few days ago.

We arrived at his office and found him having a quarrel with Mr. Burr...again. Amelia stepped behind me. She was always uncomfortable when Father was angry. I think she would've disappeared if she had the ability.

I knocked on his office door and poked my head in. The two men silenced and looked over at us. "Philip, my son!" Father approached and hugged me. "Hello, Father, Mr. Burr," I greeted them. Amelia smiled to them from behind my shoulder. "Alexander, we can discuss further another time," Burr nodded to us and left. Father turned to us, "I assume your mother posed my compromise to the two of you." I took Amelia's hand, "She did and we agree, though, that's not why we are here right now." Father smiled, "I'm glad to hear that. What is it you're here for?" Amelia stepped out from behind me, "Will you be joining the family at the Schuyler estate?"

Father seemed surprised that Amelia addressed him directly. He looked at her the same way when she spoke to him the day she arrived in New York. "I will be coming for a few days," he smiled at her. "We'll be leaving this evening when Alex gets back from school, if you would like to travel together, Father," I replied. He nodded to me, "I'm nearly finished here, then I shall be home. Would you pack for me, Son?"  I shook his hand, "Of course, Father."

We went home and packed for the three of us. Alex arrived home soon. "Philip?" Alex came into my room. I turned around to him, "Yes, little brother?" He shut the door, "Is there something going on between you and Amelia?" I laughed, "Only if you consider us being engaged something." He gaped at me, "So Amelia is going to be my sister?" It made me incredibly happy that that was the first thought Alex had about the news. I nodded. "That's amazing," my brother exclaimed as he hugged me. He may have our father's name, but the way he sees people is so different.

"I'm glad to hear you're happy about that news. No one else knows, except Mother and Father, so keep it a secret. We'll be telling everyone at Grandpa's. Now, go get packed. Once Father gets home, we're leaving." Alex nodded and ran off to his room to pack. He really was a good little brother.

Once Father arrived home, we packed the carriage and left for Grandpa's estate. It was already dark by then and Amelia fell asleep on my shoulder during the ride. "Father," Alex asked, "how long will you and Philip be staying with us?" Father smiled, sadly, "Only a few days, I'm afraid." Father turned to me, "Will Amelia be staying with the rest of the family or returning with us?" I looked down at my sleeping fiancée, "I'm not sure. I didn't ask her." Amelia must've heard us talking. "I'm returning to the city," she said as her sleepy eyes opened. "Mrs. Hamilton asked me to make sure you both ate and slept in her absence," she smiled, drowsily.

Alex started laughing, "Melly, Mother and you have all sorts of secrets, don't you?" Melly, I forgot that that's what my siblings used to call her. They couldn't pronounce her name when she first arrived. I called her "Ami" because it was similar to the French word for friend as well as close to her name. But they were little, so for a while she was "Memlia", she told them to call her Melly and that's what she was until we were about 12. I left for school one fall and she was Ami and Melly. I came back at Christmas and she was Amelia, governess to the young Hamiltons.

"Your mother and I only want the best for you all," she said as she closed her eyes and settled into my shoulder, again. Once we were sure she was asleep, Father smiled, "She's a good girl," he looked me in the eyes, "I'll be proud to call her my daughter." Hearing that from him brought so much joy to my heart.

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