A Revelation

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Amelia's POV

I could feel his eyes on me. I couldn't betray myself by looking back at him. He had a reputation as a ladies' man and I didn't know whether I still knew him. He'd be graduating from King's College within a year and where would I be? Still caring for his siblings in his childhood home. There was no way he could see me as anything other than another conquest.

I stole a glance at him, his freckles, his curly, dark hair, his green eyes. God, those eyes could break hearts; mine, in more ways than one. They were the eyes of the man that could've said the word at any moment and I would've been his.

I looked back to little Eliza sitting in my lap. If this was as close as I could be to Philip, I would just have to appreciate what I had.

After church, the family returned home to Christmas Eve dinner where Mr. Hamilton was waiting.

"Mrs. Hamilton, may I be excused for the night? I'm not feeling well," I asked.

Mrs. Hamilton looked at me, sadly, "Of course, Dear. I hope you are feeling better tomorrow."

I said goodnight to the family and returned to my room. It was just too hard to be so near Philip and not be able to look him in the eye. I changed for bed and went to lie down when I noticed a box on my nightstand.

There was a note attached,

Dearest Amelia,
        I have thought about you every day that I've been away. I hope this gift shows you how I've felt about you since the day you stepped off that ship.

I opened the box to find a locket with "A&P" inscribed on the back.

"When did he put this in here?" I asked myself.

I sat down at my writing desk and wrote him a note in return. I, quickly, slipped upstairs and slid it under his bedroom door, so he would find it when he entered his room for the night.

Philip's POV

Amelia went to bed before dinner and even before the young ones went to bed. That wasn't like her. I could see pain in her eyes as she left us for the night. Oh god, what have I done by coming home?

After some family time, I retired to my room for the night. As I walked in, I nearly stepped on a piece of paper. As I picked it up, I realized it was a note from Amelia.

               I want to thank you for the lovely gift. I will cherish it always. If you are able, please, meet me under the cherry tree in the garden at midnight. I think we should speak alone.                          

She wanted to talk in the garden, alone. This could be very good or very bad.

Midnight struck and I slipped out the door to the garden. Amelia was waiting for me under the tree. She smiled at me, in a way I hadn't seen before.

"Amelia, I'm so sorry if I-," she silenced me with a kiss. A kiss more passionate than I'd ever felt before. I held her for several moments that way until we broke apart.

"Philip, I've wanted to do that since the moment you walked through the door," she whispered against my lips. I felt her breath against my face and lost myself for a time.

"Amelia, you said we needed to talk. What is it?" I whispered against her mouth.

She looked up into my eyes. She hadn't truly looked at me in years, her brown eyes glistened in the moonlight. "Philip, this is a huge risk for me. I could lose my position in your family's home, but I can't keep pretending. I want to be with you." I ran my fingers through her hair, "I haven't seen your hair like this since before you were a governess." I slid my hand along her cheek, "I want to keep you safe. You shouldn't have to give up your livelihood for me."

Then, I had a thought, "A few more months. A few more months and then, I will be a lawyer and we can be together always." I held her hands to my lips and kissed them. "I promise."

She stepped into my arms and hugged me, "I can wait," she whispered in the silence of the night.

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