Home for the Holiday

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Christmas Eve 1800

I ran to finish dressing the younger children and get them ready for Christmas Eve.

"Amelia, are the children ready? Philip and Alex will be home soon. Then, we need to get to church," Mrs. Hamilton called to me.

"They will be down in a moment, Ma'am!" I send James, John, and William downstairs, as I finished dressing Eliza. I was bringing Eliza down to Mrs. Hamilton as Philip and Alex walked in the door.

I handed Eliza to Mrs. Hamilton and curtsied to Philip and Alex, "Masters Hamilton, it's nice to see you."

Philip rolled his eyes at me, "Amelia, we've known each other since we were children. We both know you don't need to curtsy to me."

I lowered my eyes from his, knowing I would melt if I looked into them, "My apologies, sir." I curtsied again and walk into my bedroom to finish getting myself ready.

I overheard Philip ask his mother if Mr. Hamilton would be going with them. She told Philip that his father was working, but would be home for dinner.

I hadn't seen Philip since the family went to his grandfather's home upstate for the summer.

When we were young, we were friends. I helped him with his French and he helped me get more comfortable in America. As we got older, he went to boarding school and I became governess for his younger siblings, so Mrs. Hamilton would have more time to herself. Mrs. Hamilton was still struggling after the affair was revealed.

I thought about all of this as I finished fixing my hair. I was wearing one of my nicer grey dresses. Someone knocked on my door as I was putting the last few pins in my hair, "Come in."

Angelica poked her head in, "Amelia, are you ready to go to church?"

I smiled at the sweet girl. She was always like a little sister to me, only two years younger than Philip and I. "I will be out in just a moment, Angelica."

She smiled and retreated from the room. I stood up and collected my coat as another knock came at my door. "Angie, I'll be out in just a moment." I turned around to find not Angelica, but Philip.

"Philip! I wasn't expecting you," I curtsied, a bit startled.

Philip's POV

She was so beautiful. I watched her collecting her things before knocking and walking into her room. She turned around and I must have startled her. I pulled her out of her curtsy.

"Amelia," I smiled down at her, "I've missed seeing you every day."

She wouldn't look in my eyes, "I've missed you, too, Philip." She stepped back a bit, "I heard you have had several ladies chasing you while you were away."

There was a strand of hair that fell out of her perfect bun. I took the piece of her auburn hair and tucked it behind her ear. "None that mean anything to me," I touched her cheek gently.

"Philip, you know this isn't proper," she said with a slight accent and pulled away. She always slipped into her accent when she was embarrassed. She walked out of her room, leaving me standing there.

I pulled the box with the necklace that I bought while I was away at school out of my pocket and set it on her nightstand. I hoped that it might show her how I feel about her, how I've always felt about her.

I followed her out of the room and joined the rest of my family by the door to leave for church.

As we sat in church, I couldn't help, but watch Amelia from the other end of the pew. She sat so reverently with Eliza, keeping my youngest sibling quiet. Angie must have noticed me staring at Amelia as she elbowed me in the ribs.

"Keep your eyes straight before Mother notices you," she whispered.

I glanced at my sister, "Notices me what?"

She rolled her eyes, "I'm not stupid. I see how you look at her, but she could get in trouble if Mother realizes your feelings."

I sat back in my seat, thinking about what I should do. Amelia had been the truest friend and the first girl I'd ever loved. However, Angelica was right. She could lose her position as governess and I would probably never see her again. I looked at her again. All I wanted to do was kiss her. I thought back to the kiss I stole when we were 15 at Grandfather's summer home.

*Three years earlier*

Angelica, Alex, James, and John had begged Amelia to play hide and seek with them. I joined in because they told me I wasn't too old if Amelia was playing.

James began counting and everyone scattered. Angie and Alex ran towards the house, while John hid in a tree. I didn't see where Amelia had gone, but I ran to the stables to hide in one of the carriages. I sat there for several minutes, then heard footsteps behind me. A hand covered my mouth and pulled me out the door of the carriage. It was Amelia! She held a finger to her mouth and motioned for me to follow her.

We ended up in the tack room with the saddles. "Are you crazy? That's the first place anyone would look," she teased me about the carriage.

I glared, playfully, "Like this is better?"

Then, we heard little stomping feet coming our way. We shoved ourselves behind one of the saddle stands together. My back pressed against the wall and her pressed against my chest. We were so close, our lips only inches apart. I couldn't help myself and put my arms around her waist and kissed her. She seemed to melt into the kiss and put her arms around my neck. I just wanted to hold her forever.


We never spoke about the kiss and she was perfectly proper towards me the rest of the summer until I went back to school. Does she think of me the way I think of her?

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