Epilogue: Forgiven

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Amelia's POV

Philip was buried in a cemetery uptown. The entire family moved uptown. The Hamilton's' marriage suffered even more after Philip died. I stayed with them to continue to help Mrs. Hamilton. I was lost, though. I saw Philip in every corner of the house.

I lost Angie, in a way, too. She became mentally ill. It was awful watching her spiral like that.

Mrs. Hamilton had her baby. It was a boy. They named him Philip. Looking at little Philip brought joy and pain to my heart at the same time. He had the same green eyes.

Aunt Angelica spent a lot of time with the family. She was really the one that kept us together.

I visited Philip's grave often. "Hello, mon coeur. You would be proud of me. I, finally, let go of the dress I was wearing the day you died. Your mother had it remade into a dress for Eliza. She looks precious in it. Little Philip has the sweetest laugh. Alex graduated last week. He said he would come visit you soon. Angie is getting worse. It hurts to see her like this." Alex and I had become pretty close after we lost Philip and when Angie got sick. It was nice to have someone to talk to. He was a good brother.

"As you can see," I gestured to his coat I was wearing, "I still have your coat... it's almost like having your arms around me again... I miss you... Being in the house is hard without you... Your parents let me move into your room. It's nice to have your things around me. I found some of the poems you wrote. Even ones from when we were about 15. A lot of them seemed to be about me. I wish you'd showed me," I sat down in the grass. "Philip... I want you to know that I forgave you before you were gone. I forgave you when you were teasing me about slipping into my French when you were shot. And I want you to know... I love you... And I will always be yours."

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