Chapter 3

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   I awaken slowly and rub the asleep from my eyes, sitting up in bed and stretching. My eyes glow a soft purple as I open them and I look down and smirk to myself, seeing my morning wood in my boxes. I giggle a bit, "Ill deal with you later. I have a job ta do today." I throw my legs off the side of the bed and stand up, stretching once more.

  I walk out into the hallway after putting on a thin, neon pink shirt and my pants that are a bit of a darker pink. I walk into the small kitchen we have in our home, the place isn't much but it's were we set up all our work we do fighting for this hell hole. The only reason we do this fighting is because all of our family died of the plague and we are all each other have left and the "protectors" of the city are corrupted, power hungry, and selfish people that want nothing but wealth and power. All we want to do is free the remaining people in this city that haven't died of the plague and to bring back the glory of this once great city... It has been a long and hard road but we are going to finish what we started or we are going to die trying.

   My eyes change to red, covering all of my eyes including the white, as I think of the so called "protectors" of this city and red mist starts coming out of my eyes as my fur starts to turn dark grey and I seem to grow a bit taller. I slam my fist onto the tables and I form a knife out of the shadows. It is a 6 inch long sharp black blade with the handle being neon red and there seems to be black mist coming from the blade. I turn around and throw it at the wall with a flick of my wrist and the blade sinks to the hilt into the wall on a picture of the chief "protecter" ,a lean black falcon that had to have his wings removed when he was young, of the city in between his eyes.

   Star! I hear Ceberrus scream in my head, making me fall to my knees, my fur turning back to its pure white color and my eyes turn to orange out of pain and fear. What have I told you about letting your anger go?! Growls as he appears in front of me, using one of his huge paws to flip me over and he places it onto my chest, thankfully not with full force, You of all people should know what letting a shadow's anger out can cause! He yells in my mind. I let out a yelp of pain as it splinters inside of my head.

   "I'm sorry, Ceberrus!"

   He growls again, softer this time and looks into my eyes, seeing the pain in them and I see the worry in his completely red eyes. You'd better not do it again... He says softly this time, relieving me of the pain. Your fur was almost black, Star... he leans down and licks my cheek, You scared me... Please don't do it again... I hear the sadness in his voice as he talks to me inside my head, making me whine and my ears go down. It always makes me sad when Cerberrus is...

   "I promise to try not to let it take over next time, Cerberrus... Thank you for stopping me before it toke me over..." Anger is a shadow's sickness. We are immortal and can not get sick like others, the only thing we fear the most is it taking us over. When that happens well... Let's just say we take it out on other things, rather it be alive or not it mostly ends up being torn apart and we do it to a lot of things, not just one. Lucky to the people of this world it only applies to those of my race.

  Most people think light is the thing to use against us but it doesn't work. We are shadows, not darkness, and no they aren't the same.

   Ceberrus licks my cheek again and moves his paw off of my chest, allowing me to get up. I stand up and hug him around the neck and he nuzzles his head to mine.

  Now eat little one... You have a big day today.

   I giggle and I hear Cerberrus walk back to our room. After I grab something to eat out of the cabinets, I write a note to Raven and Tiffany telling them that I left to take care of the job and will be back later tonight. I change into black skinny jeans, a tight black shirt and my cloak, looking at my self in the mirror. Some may say I that I look cute in these, and people have, but I myself don't see it... I shrug to myself and leave.

   After leaving the hideout, I look up to see the night sky and a full moon. I walk into the streets and l walk into an ally and turn into shadow.

   I ask the shadows, "Is Kit at his home right now?" I show them a picture of him with my mind.

   Yes, Dark One. He tells his servants he will be there all day today. They whisper to me and I nod my head.

   "Thank you. That's all I need for the moment." I stand up and I walk back into the street, leaving the shadows around my body so no one can see me. I look around the street and disappear. I reappear on a roof, kneeling and looking around the street for Kit's house.
   I found it. Its an apartment building and his is two stories, white walls, huge windows, and amazing furniture. I can't see his bed room, only his living room. I can't find him yet so I appear on his balcony and slowly use the shadows in his dark home to appear inside. I slowly make my way to his bed room and put my paws on the door.

   I lean down and whisper to the shadows, "Is he awake?"

   No, Dark One. He is sleeping soundly. They say and I nod my head.

   "Thank you..." I look at the ground and see that there is only a lamp on in the room. I slowly slip under the door after slipping into the shadows under the door and I get back up on the other side. I look over at his bed and see him laying down on it.

   I feel my self blush as I step closer to the bed. He is laying on his back and I see that he is wearing nothing. Not even boxers. I can tell by the bulge in the sheet that cover a him from the waist down and I see no waist band that boxers have. The sheet is lower then where they are to go but the cover up his shealth. His tail is off of the side of the bed and swaying slowly.  I notice that his nose and his paw pads are blue and my eyes trail up to the scars on his face. They don't make him look bad at all like most people think scars would, instead it adds to his looks. I look at his chest and I feel myself blush even harder as my fingers and paws itch to run through his fur and to feel him and what he has underneath those sheets. I look at his finely toned 8-pack and his pecs, forcing back a moan an biting my lower lip. I should have taken care of my wood this morning... I think to my self and I shake my head to clear it. I shouldn't be thinking like this, I have a job to do.

   Just then I hear the bed creak and I turn into shadow. I look at him and see that it was only him rolling over. The sheet moved down...

   I feel my face burn red as I see his baseball sized balls and his huge shealths, making me want to get on my knees.

   Stop it, Star! You have to do your job! I shake my head again to clear my thoughts. I take a step closer.

   His eyes snap open.

   I get lost in them.

   Too slow to turn into shadow...


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