Chapter Five: Invitation

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Chapter Five: Invitation

Natsu frowned as he sensed the familiar presence nearby. "Leopard, report."

Leopard stepped out of the shadows. "It is done, Master. Doctor Sullivan has been chastised properly for his failure." He began as he kneeled before the Grandmaster.

The Dark Flame Grandmaster nodded as he glanced at the file folder on his table. "I have read your report on the other ninjas Hank and Sullivan encountered. And I must say that I am impressed." He began. "I had no idea that more of the Mizu Clan still survives."

Leopard frowned. He didn't like where this was going. "You wish for them to join the Clan?" he cautiously began.

Natsu nodded. "Their skill could be an invaluable addition."

Leopard looked down. "But Master, what if they refuse?"

Natsu's eyes narrowed into twin dark pits. "Then they must be exterminated." The Dark Flame Grandmaster paused and eyed the kneeling ninja before him for a few minutes before speaking up. “Come with I have a mission for you that even the likes of Hank could not do, but I expect no such failure from you my son."

Like a puppet, he rose to his master's flick of the wrist following him in the room’s inner chambers.


Later that night, Leopard, now clad  in his Dark Flame uniform, sat down upon the floor of his room, his body  in a meditative position and concentrating his mind for the mission ahead. His Master said he could not fail.  Slowly his mind drifted toward his older sister Kara, wondering what she was doing in Japan, but immediately went back to the task at hand. He took a deep breath, his mind becoming calm once more.


Later that night as everyone slept, Rain crept from his room, his eyes scanning the dark living room making certain no one was up. He smiled to himself, but his smile faded as a low cough came from behind him.

"Rainier," a stern voice said making Rain wince, "Where are you going?"

"Out for a little while," he replied truthfully learning long ago that lying never worked in his favor around his grandfather. "I'll be back soon."

"Rainier, I'm old," he said sternly making his grandson sigh in defeat sitting down on the couch next to him. "You will soon be left with the family, yet you do not act like it."

"I'm not leadership material. Maybe Leo was, when he was still alive. But not me." Rain instantly said getting up, "I'm sorry Grandfather, but I just can't do it, I like the idea of bashing in the heads of Red Basilisks and other lowlives  more."

Yoshi Mizu sighed softly. "Then go my grandson, we will talk more about this tomorrow."

Rainier felt a little guilt as he walked out the door, but not enough to stay in the lair, it just never felt like his style.


A lone figure stood shadowed upon the roof, several unconscious Dark Flame ninjas scattered around him. This was the moment Leopard had been waiting for. Silently, he made the first strike on the warrior.

The warrior was not as good as he had hoped for, but he was still more skilled then anyone he had fought in awhile, it amazed Leopard to how well he could stay to the shadows. His Rapidfire clanked against other’s sai, he smirked softly as he effortlessly smacked the blade from his hand, his opponent instantly dropping the other one he held and took a swing at him. Softly he swayed keeping to the rhythm of each swing the other produced, his hands behind his back. It didn't take the other long to realize he was seeing how long he would last making his anger flare and each strike become more unpredictable. His foe swiftly jumped backwards landing steadily on the chimney behind him, the moon coming from its hiding place of dark clouds revealing taunting blue eyes from behind a black mask. 

"The ninjas you fought before told me you are a great fighter," he said disappointment in his voice. "But from what I can tell your anger clouds your mind making you have nothing but weak points."

Rain snarled under his breath at the blue eyed Dark Flame ninja appearance as the moon fully showed itself. Swiftly he jumped on top of the chimney taking a punch at the other's head only to be blocked by a raise of the arm, then he knocked Rain off balance by kicking him off the chimney before he had the time to anticipate any move.

"You sure you are a ninja? You remind me much more of that blonde fool I had the misfortune to be acquainted with," he mocked with a slight laugh making Rainier snarl lowly and launch himself at him once more but he simply swayed to the left and watched him slam into the concrete. "You think of yourself mighty and tall while you throw down the foolish big ape who is more fool of himself then you, but once you meet the true enemy the proud leopard of the shadows, you do not know how to defend yourself."

Rainier threw another punch, trying to hit him in between the eyes to get that triumphant spark out of them only to have his own fist caught fairly easily by the other ninja.

"I don't know why my Master wants you," he said his voice more stern then before letting go of Rain's fist and watching him slightly lose balance before steadying his body once more, "But he told me to give you an invitation to meet him."

At that he handed Rainier Mizu a small parchment of paper with a strange insignia upon it he knew to be the Dark Flame Clan's own. "You should be very proud to have crossed my master and for him to want a chance to meet you."

Rain growled lowly crushing the paper between his fingers glaring at the other. "Who the hell are you?"

Without even looking back the Dark Flame ninja said softly, "I’m called Leopard and if you turn my master down, you will be dead before you can say banana."


"Master, I have done what you have asked of me," Leopard began as he knelt before the man who nodded his head to him with little emotion flicking his wrist telling him to rise.

"What did you think Leopard?" his eyes cut into the younger ninja who lowered his gaze to the floor slightly at the piercing stare.

"He is not what I expected," he said truthfully, "He may look like me but he is nothing like me. He fought, he fought like an angry monkey with no sense of control, he was talented enough to take down the likes of Hank or the other ninjas yes, but he wasn't what I would expect you to be interested with.” A scoff. “He couldn't even strike one hit on me.”

Natsu Kuraihi grabbed him by the cheek and raised his gaze and smirked to the younger man. "Of course he couldn't land a hit on you, I wouldn't expect any less of my student." His grip tightened staring into the depth of his soul. “Did you give him my invitation?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Did  you give him my invitation?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Does he know what you look like?”

“No, Master. I made sure of it.” 

“Good.  Do not question my choices Leopard, I know best."

With that he dropped his vice gripped fingers from his son's face and exited the room, leaving Leopard softly gazing off after him picking himself up from the floor he had fallen to.

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