Chapter Thirty Two: City on Fire

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Chapter Thirty Two: City on Fire

When Hank lunged with a cry supposed to startle him, Leopard sidestepped, ducking the large man's swing and nearly ending the fight as he turned with a slice that only grazed the back of his neck, missing only because he stumbled and rolled when he didn't make contact.

Leopard swore under his breath. Careless. He was getting careless. He was only ordered to bring him alive, not to decapitate that large ape. Twice he nearly sliced off one of Hank's arms. And even though he was very careful not use his poisoned swords, Leopard thought of getting the blond bastard to lose enough blood to weaken and lose consciousness, he still left deep gashes on the latter's shoulder and side. But Hank still moved fast for a person of his size and was able to counter his attacks using a kasuri-kama he nabbed from a fallen renegade ninja.

Shit, I forgot about his strength and stamina, Leopard frowned as he blocked another attack.

Suddenly, a chain wrapped itself around his leg and Leopard felt his breath was knocked out of him when Hank pulled, slamming him down to the hard ground.

"Any last words, Fearless?" Hank sneered at him.  

Leopard smirked, ignoring the pain screaming from  his back. "Yeah, Mizu clan behind you."

Hank blinked in confusion only to see stars explode from his eyes as a punch hit his face from over his left shoulder.

Leopard merely watched the bigger man stagger a few steps away from the impact. "I did warn you, 'brother'." he added and a mocking tone and glanced at Rainier Mizu, who had his hand out to help Leopard to his feet. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Saving your life, what do you think?" Rainier retorted.

Leopard ignored the outstretched hand and got up on his own. "I don't need your help."

"Yeah, and I suppose letting Hank pound you to the ground is part of your plan?"

Hank scowled, wiping blood off his lips as he recognized the newcomer. "So, the rumors are true. You are actually working with Mizu scum, Leopard." He smirked. "I wonder what will the Grandmaster think of once I informed him of your treachery?"   

Rainier looked confused. But Leopard glared at the blond man. "And what makes you think I'll let you tell him?"

"You! Red Leader!" The apparent leader of the renegade ninjas called out to Hank. "Help us kill off the intruders and the two traitors, and we will reward your gang once we retake control of the city!"

"Best thing I heard all day!" Hank shouted, and pointed his gun at Leopard and Rainier. "Goodbye, Fearless."   

Hank lifts his gun, but before the hulking hood can fire, a shuriken arcs through the air and smashes into the weapon, causing it to short circuit. Quickly, he tossed his gun aside and it explodes, creating a cloud of smoke.

All of a sudden, several of the renegade Dark Flame ninjas find themselves are attacked and defeated before the smoke clears.

Coughing from the smoke, Leopard tried to peer to the haze to find out who the newcomer is. "Who?"

Rainier blinked in surprise. "Master Yoshi?" he began in amazement upon seeing his grandfather emerge from the smoke. The red clad ninja was given a curt nod of acknowledgement from the Mizu ninja master before the latter continued attacking and knocking several Dark Flame ninja unconscious.

"Your Master?" Leopard whispered in wonder as he and Rainier watched the Mizu Ninja Master fight. "He's... good."

Rainier nodded, unable to say anything else.

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