Chapter Seven: Battle Scars

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Chapter Seven: Battle Scars

Early the next day found Rainier Mizu stood in front of the screen doors that make up the entrance of his grandfather's room. He knew from what Daniel had warned him about after his younger brother had finished patching him up earlier that their Sensei was waiting for him in his room. So he decided that there was no point in delivering the inevitable. He'd better get the eventual scolding and lecture over with.

Yoshi Mizu frowned while under meditation as the screen doors of his room opened and closed. He opened his eyes to see Rainier kneeling in front of him. "Speak, Grandson. Tell me how did you get to be captured by Natsu Kuraihi?"

The red clad ninja took a deep breath and told him everything that happened when he was out last night and the nights before. About those weird ninjas attacking him but not killing him and about being captured by the big blond guy that seemed like the leader of the Red Basilisks and about meeting the strange blue-eyed ninja that beat the hell out of him before handing him an invitation to meet the Dark Flame Grandmaster. "Its nothing really," Rainier said softly finding the words in his head to not make matters worse,"I just ran into his son, who didn't do anything I swear! He just gave me an invitation to meet his master, who is leader of those wacko ninja clan..." but before he could go on his grandfather sighed softly.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up. "Rainier, I know how you try so hard to lead your younger siblings. It is only natural for you to make a mistake once in a while. Remember it that only in our own errors do we learn and become a better person."

Rain hesitated. "There's another thing, Grandfather. When we  were facing that bastard Natsu, he said something." He paused. “He knew about Leo! He knew that I wasn’t the older twin!”

Yoshi Mizu frowned. "You think he knew about... Leonardo?" He closed his eyes at the mention of his lost grandson's name. Even after all these years, it was still painful to think about the young child who had been lost to them.

Rain nodded. "Grandfather, he could still be alive. Those Dark Flame goons, maybe they know where he is..."

Yoshi Mizu shook his head. "Enough, my grandson. I understand how much you miss your brother, but we must not speak of the dead that way."

"But Grandfather..."

"Enough, Rainier." The old man said in his most authoritative voice. "We will no longer speak of this." He added and then turned his back at the younger man.

Rainier stared at him for several seconds before his expression hardened and he got up and left the room.

Yoshi Mizu waited until he was alone before burying his face with his hands. "Leonardo. My poor lost Leonardo..." he whispered.


As soon as Rainier stepped out of the room, he found both Daniel and Mikey were waiting for him.

“Well, what did Grandfather say?” Daniel began. “Who are those ninjas that kidnapped you and what did they want with you?”

“Perhaps, it would be best if I answer those questions, my grandsons.” Master Yoshi Mizu spoke up from behind Rainier, his sad brown eyes belying the calm and serious expression on his face. “Let me tell of about the Dark Flame Clan and its Grandmaster, Natsu Kuraihi.” 


Nine years ago.

Pain. Unimaginable pain. It was as if thousands of katana were cutting into his brain, severing slice upon slice of gray matter. Some pieces were reconstructed or rearranged, others were seemingly discarded. His body writhed in agony and somewhere in the corner of his mind still capable of free thought, he pleaded for death.

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