Chapter Twenty Seven: Of Robots and Ninjas

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Chapter Twenty Seven: Of Robots and Ninjas

The first time Edwin Astire, called Boss Eddie by his friends and henchmen, heard of the rumors that so-called 'ninjas' operated in the city, he snorted in disbelief. After all, what sane kind of person would believe that something that came out of old comic books and anime shows would actually be in the real world. Besides, he was too busy trying to make a name for himself in Central City's underworld, he had no time checking on weird rumors and cocaine fantasies that junkies whisper fearfully in the alleyways.

But after congratulating himself on doing a successful bank heist earlier that day, he was walking home from his usual when someone knocked him out from the shadows.

Years on the streets taught Eddie some basic survival skills, so when he slowly awoke and found himself blindfolded and hogtied to the ground, he knew it wasn't a good thing.

"Is the prisoner secured?" A cold voice sounded in the room. Eddie couldn't place it but he had the nagging feeling that he had heard it before.  

Another voice, a bit softer, and Eddie had to strain his ears to make out what the other guy was saying.

"Yes, Master."

"Good, remove his blindfold."

He felt gloved hands tug the blindfold off. Eddie blinked as he found himself inside a room that looked something out Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

A slight movement and he saw some guy wearing sort of sharp armored outfit that would have made Sonic the Hedgehog green with envy.

"What is this? Some sort of Mortal Kombat cosplay?" Eddie began, with false bravado. "Look, I don't what your game here is, mister. But you made just a very big mistake by crossing me."

A cold laugh and Eddie could barely keep himself from shivering in fear.      

He felt something cold and sharp being pressed against his neck. Eddie started when he saw another masked figure in back and blue kneeling by him with a sword drawn against his neck.

"Show respect, maggot. You are in the presence of the Dark Flame Ninja Grandmaster." The figure quietly told him. "If you do not behave, you might join some of your men who are swimming with the fishes in the bottom of the river."

Dark Flame. He heard of that name, often whispered fearfully by fellow mobsters. Eddie swallowed nervously.

"That's enough, Leopard." The armored figure spoke up. "We do not want Mr. Astire to be too scared to talk."

The blade was immediately taken away from his neck. "As you wish, Master."

Leopard. If there was a name feared among assassins and hit-men in the city, quite possibly the country as well, it would be that name.   

"Now, Mr. Astire. We need to talk." The armored figure began. "You have dared stepped into my territory. Normally, I would have my son here gut you like a fish, but I believe we can discuss matters like civilized men. Now I want you to tell me what you can do to atone from that transgression."

That was five years ago and Eddie had learned his lesson well.

When he heard the news that the Dark Flame Grandmaster was missing and presumed dead, he was one of skeptical ones. But when his men reported that the feared Dark Flame Ninja was in shambles due to their missing leader, Eddie knew this is an opportunity that must not be missed.

Which was why he came to this meeting with his fellow crime-lords in order find a way to make a profit with this unexpected windfall.

He snorted a bit bored with his companions; apparently they were still waiting for one more to arrive. His eyes narrowed when one of the bodyguards stationed outside approached one of his fellow mobsters; Papa Guerro, if he remembered correctly, and whispered in his ear.

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