Chapter Four: Observations

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Chapter Four: Observations

The next day, much later in the afternoon, found Sullivan inside the Dark Flame Grandmaster’s study, finishing a presentation report.  

Kuraihi Natsu nodded pleased at the so-called Tech Ninjas Sullivan had presented to him. "Very well, Doctor. They better not fail."

Sullivan bowed. "With my impressive genius, that's impossible." He replied and then left the room. "I predict a success."

Natsu waited for a moment and then his expression became serious. "You can come in now, Leopard."

A handsome young man, around the age of sixteen with black hair, slight Asian features and blue eyes, wearing a black formal suit, stepped outside of the shadows. He hesitated for a moment and then approached the Grandmaster and kneeled before him. "I was informed by Dr Cancio that you wanted to see me after my medical check up, Master?" Leopard began. 

“Yes, I heard from Hank that you’ve sent all the ninjas under him for re-training.” Natsu Kuraihi remarked.

Leopard knelt deeper at his Master’s words. “Yes, Father.”

“Tell me why.”

Leopard paused for a moment. “They were weak. I’ve read the data Hank and Sullivan have on them and I can’t understand how our own people could be beaten by a bunch of mere amateurs.” 

“Do not underestimate the Mizu clan.” The Dark Flame Grandmaster warned him. “Before their fall into ruin, they were once respected clan of warriors.” 

Leopard bowed his head in shame. "I... I'm sorry."

The Dark Flame Grandmaster nodded. "There will be no more talk of this. I have a mission for you." He paused, watching as the young ninja suddenly become alert. "I want you to secretly observe Hank and the good Doctor in their tasks. You are forbidden to interfere but I want you to report every detail of their progress. Is that understood?"

"It shall be done, Master." Leopard replied and then bowed his head once more.

Natsu nodded. "Now leave me, my child."

The young man stood up in left the room.




"So it's true. There is another ninja clan out there..."

"Amazing... his resemblance to... is amazing..."

"Beware of your words... Sullivan... Natsu Junior could be listening..."

"Paranoid bastard, I don't know why the Master..."

Rainier woke up to a pounding headache and found himself tied to a chair and his eyes blindfolded.

Where was he? Oh yeah, now he remembered. He had been slugging a couple of Red Basilisks with Kenny when they were attacked by some weirdo ninjas who can turn invisible.

“It appears that our prisoner is awake now.” 

The blindfold was removed and Rainier silently cursed himself for his stupidity. He opened his eyes to find himself inside a room with dirty white peeling walls. "What the hell...?"

A tall hulking man suddenly appeared in his vision. "Well, well. It looks like the fool is finally awake." He sneered.

Rain raised an eyebrow as he eyed the large familiar red serpentine tattoo on the blond man's arm. "Nice tat! Red Basilisk or just some big ugly snake?"

He was immediately answered by a smack on his face. "I ask the questions around here, brat. I'm only going to ask you this one more time. Who are you? Who do you work for? Tell me, which crime boss actually was dumb enough to go against our Master?"

Rainier blinked. "Crime boss? Boy, are you barking up the wrong tree."

Hank hit him again. "Answer me!"

Rainier rolled his eyes. "Come to think of it, whom do you work for? I mean you look way too dumb to be in charge of all this."

Hank seethed and held up a buzz saw against Rainier's face. "Your choice, fool; you can talk, or you can let your screams do the talking for you. Now is there something you want to tell me?"

"Just THIS!" Rainier suddenly breaks free of his restraints, punches Hank in the stomach then gases him. "Sweet dreams lard butt!" He hissed as he immediately left the room, hoping Kenny was all right.


Meanwhile hidden in the shadows of the warehouse, a lone figure watched him go.

“Hmmm, interesting.” Leopard murmured quietly, a part of him  wanted to go after the prisoner but his Master ordered him earlier to interfere.

After making sure that Hank isn’t going to get up any time soon, he dropped down and silently landed beside the heavily muscled blond man.

Yep, Hank was knocked out cold. Leopard verified to himself as prodded the unconscious man before glancing at the direction the Mizu ninja had fled. His father wasn't going to be happy in the morning when he finds out that Hank and Sullivan not only failed to capture the Mizu ninja and extract information, but let him escape as well. Still  right now Leopard didn't care. It wasn't his job to watch the prisoner, it was Hank and Sullivan.


Hours later Hank and Sullivan were brought to the Dark Flame Grandmaster after failing to defeat the rouge ninjas again.

"My fault?" Sullivan exclaimed in shock. "What do you mean it's my fault?"

Leopard stood silently behind the Grandmaster while Natsu cast a cold glare at the scientist. "Hank's plan was sound. Therefore it must be that your so called Tech Ninjas must be defective."

"But... but..." Sullivan sputtered in panic.


The Commander of the Dark Flame Black Elites stepped forward. "Yes, Master."

"Take the good doctor and show him the consequences of failure." Natsu ordered.

Leopard smirked. "As you wish, Master."

"No, wait!!! Give me another chance! Please!" Sullivan screamed as Leopard grabbed him by the neck and dragged him out of the room.

Hank allowed himself a slight grin as he listened to the doctor's screams fading in the hall but the gulped in fear upon seeing Kuraihi Natsu's cold glare at him again.

"As for you, Hank." The Dark Flame Grandmaster began in a threatening voice. "Do *NOT* fail me again."

Hank bowed in fear. "Yes, Master."


"Where have you-" Daniel Mizu began as Rainier walked through the door but stopped to the tired stare his brother shot him. He looked worriedly at him as Rainier walked up the stairs slamming the door to his room.

Rainier flopped onto the still undone bed, his eyes fluttering shut, his captor's words flowed through his head like smoke consuming his thoughts.

Amazing... his resemblance to... is amazing...

Beware of your words... Sullivan... Natsu Junior could be listening...

Paranoid bastard, I don't know why the Master...

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he groaned after awhile turning over to his side slowly falling asleep.

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