Chapter 54: Planning

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Various seabirds flew above the sea around New Zealand's coast. A massive rock formation remained tall, staring at the sea. Fresh and withered grass mingled with the sandy floor. A river flowed from the ocean and into a compact town. Sandy pebbles rose until a swirling ball of light appeared, spewing out the group.

Kim came to her feet. "Where are we?"

Orchid checked the map on the mini-computer attached to her wrist. "We're in Piha Beach, New Zealand. Jago's guardian spirit must've brought us here."

"What was that spirit?" Kim asked. "I've seen nothing like that."

Jago folded his arms across his chest. "I'll answer that question after you explain why Carrie is with you."

"Oh, um, right." Kim rubbed the back of her neck while she glanced at Carrie, who lowered her head. "Care, why don't you go shell hunting around the coastline? Just don't grab the cone-shaped ones."

Carrie nodded and headed to the shore. She sat down, drawing her legs into her chest and resting her head on her knees. She sighed as tears brimmed in her eyes until something pressed on her back.

In his human form, Yeo sat beside Carrie with a soft smile. "Is everything all right?"

"He's mad at me, isn't he?"

"Mad is a powerful word. I'd prefer it as 'upset.'"

"I should've never come."

"Oh, Carrie..." Yeo stroked the girl's back. "It'll be okay."

"...and that's that." Kim finished her explanation towards the half-siblings. "I believe her powers could help us."

"We get where you're coming from, but you're putting her at high risk," Jago said. "It also seems that you're not aware of the danger."

"I'm aware of the risk, but Carrie saved my life. She even ripped a Mimic Aganos in pieces."

"What? Carrie made her first Mimic kill?" Orchid snapped her fingers. "Damn! I wish I was there to see it!"

"Sister...." Jago rebuked.

The agent cleared her throat. "I mean-it was a risky gamble, Kim, and foolish as well. So, what's the way forward?"

Jago propped his elbows on his thighs, resting his chin on his entwined hands. "Carrie's old enough to decide for herself. I just don't want her hurt."

"Jago." The tiger skull spirit detached itself from the warrior-monk. "Can I have a word with you alone?"

"Yeah." Jago arose to his feet. "I'll be back."

Kim glanced at the spirit as Jago walked away from the women. "So..."

"The spirit's name is Baekho," Orchid said. "Jago got him at Kan-Ra's lair. The sorcerer also gave him a red vial, which could restore his energy. I advised him not to use it until we bring it back at the GCF base."

"Why, though?"

"You got me. When I found Jago at the temple, he had some cuts on him. I suspect it was a Mimic mission, but what do I know? I can't get into his head."

"Well, I hope he doesn't become too harsh on Carrie. I was the one that persuaded her to come with me."

"I understand your concern, Jago, but many will ask for her help," Baekho said. "You or the Alliance can't keep her hidden forever."

"Still though, the risks-"

"The rewards will outweigh them. Carrie won't be involved in fights but will defend herself and others if needed."

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