Time is an illusion.
     - Douglas Adams


'A time cessationer.'

Jaki thought as she stares at the man infront of her. Soon, the man's sight was averted to her.

"Where's your fiancé?" The man asked as he smiled genuinely.

"He went out for some business." The girl responded. Silence then enveloped them.

"How did you...I mean...why..." Jaki sighed frustratedly.

"I'm sorry, I guess I...I'm just too overwhelmed." Jaki explained making the man chuckle.

"I can stop time yes, but in exchange of my strength." The man's baritone voice echoed inside the room.

"How long can you..." Jaki left the question hanging as she waits for the man's respond.

"Maybe at least 3-4 hours a day." The man calculated placing his index finger into his chin.

"Oh." Jaki could only nod her head.

"And I'm willing to stop the time for the coming 6 days." The man said as he stared at Jaki with the same crimson eyes as before, making Jaki's heart thumps abnormally.

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