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Y/S/N : Your School Name
H/L : Hair Length
H/T : Hair Type
H/C :Hair Color
E/C : Eye Color
S/C : Skin Color

Jack Grazer was your boyfriend. He was an average boyfriend; protective, cute, shy, jealous,sometimes awkward,jealous, flirty, adorable, handsome, jealous and basically the perfect boyfriend anyone could ask for.

Jack loved you with his whole heart and even more and just couldn't live without you, so he tends to get very jealous and overprotective most of the time.

You went to Y/S/N and absolutely all the girls wanted to be your friend and all the boys wanted to date you. You were famous because you starred in a few popular movies and you played the main character in a Netflix series too, you had the looks; H/L H/T H/C hair, deep E/C eyes, S/C skin and a cute face. You also had an amazing personality that everyone would want.

Jack was always paranoid about you going to a different school, since, he can't look out for you, not that you needed it. He just wants to let the guys in your school know that you're his.

He didn't want them flirting with you, or trying to get with you.

So when there was a day he could come pick you up, he would always do it.

Today was no different.

You came out of your classroom with your few friends who weren't attention seekers that became friends with you for fame and only for your true self.

You were talking with them about the most random things. Cats or dogs, pineapple on pizza, what's the difference between DVDs and CDs and lots of other stupid things.

You parted your way with them once you reached your locker and they too seperated going to their lockers which were all, far away from eachother.

You opened your locker and put your extra book in, taking some books from the subjects you had homework in out and stuffing them into your bag.

You put your bag on, using one strap to your left shoulder and walked to the exit. Through the window, you could faintly see Jack's figure surrounded by fan girls, and he was taking pictures with them.

You opened the door and stepped outside with the wind blowing gently in your face, soothing you. A few other students we're outside and they looked at you giving you a smile, you gave one back to be nice.

You spotted Jack looking at you, over the fans that we're clearing out, and grinned at him, him returning it.

You kept one foot in front of you and was about to walk up to him, when a boy stood in front of you. You realized it was Reid Jackson, who sat behind you in Maths and was deemed to be gay.

Reid smiled at you, " Hey Y/N I'm -"

You cut him off, "Reid Jackson that sits behind me in Maths and that everyone says is gay?"

He nodded, "Yep thats me! And yes I am gay, my boyfriend is right over there," He pointed behind you and you looked back seeing a guy leaning against a wall staring at you both. You smiled at him and he gave a small one back, before you turned back around to face Reid.

He grinned again, "Anyways, since you're good in Maths, I wanted to ask you if you'd be willing to tutor my little sister. She's eight. She's looking for a tutor and u would've tutored her but as you might know, I suck in maths."

You nodded, " Sure, just make sure she's okay with me tutoring her."

Reid laughed, " Are you kidding!? She would be more than happy to have the Y/N L/N tutor her!"

You laughed too and you both exchanged numbers. You said your goodbyes and you headed off to Jack, Who was scowling at Reid's back. (Hey that rhymes!)

You gave him a peck on the lips and he briefly relaxed before stiffening again.

"What's wrong Jack?" You ask concerned.

"Nothing, just that some guy was flirting with you in front of me!" Jack huffed.

You giggled at his jealousy, "Hey Jack.."

He glanced at you for a fraction of a millisecond before going back to glaring at Reid who was now with his boyfriend.

You sighed and kept your hand on his shoulder, making him look at you. You smiled, " Jack, don't worry. He's gay and I've got you."

He relaxed and hugged you, "I'm sorry, you know how I get."

You smirked, "Yeah I do. And I love you for it."

He took your hand, lacing your fingers together, leading you to his car while swinging your joined hands.
796 words.
This is for all the people like me who live and love jealous chapters!

Jack Grazer Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now