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"So then I just told him,'You suck you sucker!'" Finn exclaims ending his too long story.

"Uh huh, so? That's it?" You ask him, disappointed that he made you listen to a 45 minute long story all the way to school from when he picked you up.

"Yeah," Finn says leaning on the locker next to you as you take your books outside of your locker. You close the door and lean on it just like Finn did.

"Dude that wasn't even funny! But you'd seriously win an award for being the person who could bore someone to death!" You tell him rolling your eyes.

Finn rolls his eyes, mocking you as you hit his shoulder with your books.

"Ow!" He says as someone sneaks an arm around your waist," Have fun carpooling?" Jack asks as he gives you a kiss in your cheek.

You shrug,"Not really cause this guy here," You point a finger at Finn," Made me listen to a 45 minute long pointless ass story."

Jack chuckles as he lifts his arm off your shoulder and does his handshake with Finn.

You smile at their silliness as you look around for Sophia.

"Incoming!" Sophia's voice yelled before a body slammed into your back, wrapping their legs around your waist.

You look back to see Sophia's face grinning at you goofily.

"Hey Soph what's up?" You ask her as she leans her head on your shoulder.

"The sky and the clouds," She jokes,"JK I was waiting until you showed up so I can do this and now I did it!"

You laugh as she gets off of you and you stretch your arms.

"Hey guys!" Sophia says to Finn and Jack who reply with a,"Hey Soph," in sync.

Sophia looks at her watch," Shit I gotta go, my class is all the way around the building and I only have 7 minutes to get there. See you guys at lunch bye!"

She walks away after flipping you guys off.

Finn laughs, "Well I have to get to Bio, see you lovebirds later!"

Jack turns to you as Finn walks away, "So Y/N/N wanna make out?" He winks.

You cringe, "Uh no, I have to go for English Lit.," You try to walk away.

"Hey no way are you getting off that easy, at least give me a kiss," Jack's says while making a kissy face.

You roll your eyes and lean in, Jack closes his eyes as your lips are a centimeter apart. You glance up at him, seeing his eyes were closed you smirk to yourself and run away.

Jack opened his eyes as he felt someone running by him, he sees that you aren't there and rolls his eyes,"Gets me every time," He mumbles under his breathe as he heads off to his class.

After English Literature and Geography you went to the library in the hopes of finding a book you needed for Geography.

You slowly walked to the geography side and took a book out of the shelf, "Oceans and Seas.... " You whisper to yourself as you open the book and go through a few pages, making sure that this is the book you needed.

You close the book, it being the book you needed to turn around to walk to the librarians desk, only to be met with the sly face of Jack, smirking at you.

You let out a gasp having been frightened," Fuck you Jack you scared me!"

He giggles," Sorry I couldn't wait to see you so I ditched class and was going to your class when I saw you coming in here."

"Wait, why'd you come to my class?" You ask him with furrowed eyebrows.
"I was going to pick you from there and ask you if you wanted to ditch next class and then I see you already ditched and is here," Jack tells you.

"I didn't ditch,i just came here before going to my next class because I have a project due tomorrow that our teacher gave today, I needed this book."

"Yeah yeah whatever now can I have that kiss you didn't give me this morning?" He asks you, getting closer to your face.

You slyly grin at him,"Yeah," you peck his lips quickly and go past him and to the librarian, handing her your book.

Jack stifles a groan as he walks away from the library and back to his class, claiming that he went to the washroom.

You get your book back from the librarian and you run to your next class, explaining that you went to get a book, and the teacher let it go this once because you have good grades and never miss a class.

At lunch, you sat next to Sophia and across from Finn and Jack.

"So how was everyone's day?" Finn asks as you guys start eating.

"Pretty good," You answer, before taking a huge bite off your burger.

"Mines okay, I met a cute guy," Sophia says dreamily as you and Finn ooooh.

"What about you Jack?" Finn asks turning to his friend.

"Oh it's okay, except that my girlfriend just won't give me a proper kiss," He tells the group of four, glaring at you at the end.

Sophia nudges your shoulder, "Why don't you give the poor guy a kiss sis?"

You shrug, "Don't feel like it."

Jack glares at you again, this time with much more anger,"Chill Bro I'm kidding, I'll give you a kiss after lunch kay?" You state.

Jack calms down and smiles,"Okay."

Finn giggles,"You wanna kiss him after lunch so you can taste his food?"

"Blegh," You tell him, disgusted.

"Hey don't make her not wanna kiss me, Finnlard!" Jack snaps making Finn raise his hands in surrender.

"JK," He pauses as Jack sighs,"ROWLING!" Jack rolls his eyes.

"Haha I got to good man," Finn laughs shaking Sophia's shoulder as he leaned over the table.

"Get your hands off me Finnardo!" Sophia tells him as she smacks his hand off of her shoulder.

You lean over the table to talk to Jack who seemed tense, "Relax Jackie, lets make out after school okay?"

Jack nods with a permanent smirk in his face.

1044 Words.

Jack Grazer Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now