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The cast of 'It' were your best friends. From the day you met you knew that they were going to be your best friends.

You had been casted as Merrisa Marsh, Richie Tozier's love interest and Beverly Marsh's twin sister. Many fans of the 'It' fandom, shipped Merissa and Richie, some even shipped Finn and you but you both were always just best friends.

This afternoon, you were heading to Jaedan's house since he's hosting a sleepover. And everyone was coming. You were packing your bag,"Clothes,Flip Flops, Sneakers, Toothbrush, Tooth paste, Blankets and Sleeping bag," You paused realising,"Holy Crap! A towel!"

You ran out of your room, "Mom! Where's my towel?"

"Check inside the laundry room!" You hear your mom's voice reply from the kitchen.

"Okay thanks!" You tell her and go to the laundry room, where your dad was taking out the laundry.

"Hey dad," You tell him as you look around the room, in hopes of finding your towel.

"Hey Y/N/N," He replies and goes back to doing his thing. You finally spot your towel inside a laundry basket and you grab it, running back to your room.

You shove your towel inside your duffel bag, and close the zip. You keep your bag next to your bed and go downstairs to have lunch.

After lunch, your dad was supposed to drop you off at Jaedan's and so you took your bag and dragged it downstairs and to the car.

You put the bag inside and ran back inside since you forgot to say goodbye to your mom. You have your mom a quick kiss on her cheek, a brief hug and said, "See you tomorrow, make sure to pick me up on time," Before leaving.

Your dad was already in the car and you both had a car sing along all the way there.

When your dad dropped you off, you hugged him and he kissed your head before ruffling your hair, messing it up and leaving you there with your bag on the sidewalk in front of Jaedan's house.

You walked up to Jaedan's front door and knocked, keeping your bag on the floor you tried to fix your now messed up hair. It probably looks like I just woke up, you think to yourself.

The door opens and Jaedan stands there with a grin on his face,"Yay your here!" He says and pulls your bag in with one hand, using the other to pull you in.

He leads you to his room while questioning you, "The hell happened to your hair?"

You shrug, feeling embarrassed,"My dad just had to ruffle my hair before leaving."

Jaedan laughed as he opened the door to his room, you see Sophia on her phone sitting on Jaedan's bed, Finn and Wyatt chatting to eachother, Jeremy and Chosen bothering Sophia and Jack was sleeping on the floor.

Finn sees you first and jumps off the floor, "Y/N!" He hugs you and you two do your hand shake. Sophia looks up at you with narrowed eyes, "Thank god you're here, these guys were killing me!"

Jeremy and Chosen give you a smile before talking to each other, Wyatt hugged you and asked you how you were doing. You replied with, "Same old same old."

You look at Jack who was still sleeping on the floor, looking like a cute puppy.

Jaedan looks at him and then you, then at him and again at you. He grins to himself and goes to the others sitting down and making small talk.

You go up to Jack, sit down next to his limp body and try to wake him up, "Jack? " You question when he turns around, putting his back to you.
You shake him and he finally sturs awake,"Oh hey Y/N, " He gets up and turns to you, "Looking beautiful as always I see, you wanna go on a date with me?" He asks sleepily. You nod,"Yes of course!" Jack grins and kisses your cheek, before moving toward the rest of the group, who had being spying on you guys but had quickly gone back to what they were doing when they saw Jack coming to them.

You still sat on the floor, confused to what happened, but, still happy at the same time.

Jack on the other hand, was so happy that he had asked his crush of 4 months out, in his sleepy confidence. He was mentally having a huge celebration inside his head with his heart pounding in his chest. He grinned as his friends patted him on the back, for finally asking you out.

They were half happy about their ship finally sailing and half relived that Jack wouldn't gush about you all the time. They now had the chance to tease him more than they did usually.

810 words.

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