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I/N : Interviewer Name (young\teen)
F/C : Favourite Color
R/A/N : Random Actor Name (teen)

"Hello Everyone today's guest is Y/N L/N the singer, actress, dancer and YouTuber!!" I/N says to the audience as the audience cheers.

Y/N L/N walks in wearing a F/C off shoulder, that reached a little above her thighs with black jeans and F/C sneakers.

She grins and waves to the crowd as she sits down on the couch in front of I/N.

"Hey everyone!" She tells the crowd, her grin never leaving her face.

There are multiple waves and cheers from the audience, who smile at her cheerfulness.

"So Y/N," I/N says, gaining Y/N's attention,"Almost everyone is waiting for the release of, 'Killer Between Lover,' (made that up) and we need some details, so we and by we I mean I was wondering if you could answer some questions for us, without spoiling it like Tom Holland?"

The crowd along with Y/N gives out a hearty laugh.

"Of course ask away," She says doing a go on motion with her hand.

"So according to the trailer it seemed at though yours and R/A/N's character are together right?"

"Yes they are."

"Okay I just wanted to know that cause it's been on my mind since forever. Next is, Can we get a small backstory about your characters?"

"Of course. So my character Becca Arton, lives with her stepmom and dad, her mom had died a while ago and now she has to deal with the constant abusing her stepmom gets by her father. So the story is about how, when Becca's stepmom dies because her father had killed her by abusing her a lot, Becca runs away and gets a job as a server in another country. That's how she meets Ashton, R/A/N's character.

Ashton Greenwil is the grandson of the person that Becca works for, his parents had died in a fire and he lives a luxurious life, without the parental love. Thats all I can tell you because otherwise I'd be spoiling it, exactly like Tom Holland."

"That sounds extreme! How did Jack react when he found out you got the female lead in this movie?"

Y/N looks up, thinking,"Well saying he was happier than me is an understatement, he's the one who called my parents and all of our friends to tell the news," She laughs.

I/N joins in the laughter,"He's a keeper isn't he?"

Y/N nods, "Definitely is, even though he doesn't okay quidditch!"

I/N lets out another laugh,"That's right! So next question are they many kissing scenes?"

"That's a 50-50, cause most of the kissing scenes are flash backs of Ashton's and Becca's parents, but there are kissing scenes between Ashton and Becca too."

"Ah, I get it, so how was it on set there?"

"It was amazing, the director was so nice, he let me and R/A/N explore the area and take pictures for Instagram, without revealing any thing about the movie! And the bloopers were so funny!"

"Any twist you can tell us about without giving away spoilers?"

"Uh, no actually, there are so many twists but all I can say is that the end is the worst twist out of all the twists and turns."

I/N looks at her watch,"Wow we only have time for one more question, so this question is not related to the movie, but, your personal life. How did Jack react to when he found out that R/A/N and you have to kiss?"

"Oof well that's a hard one, he was jealous, like every boyfriend is when you spend too much time with another boy. But he was a little laid back because he got that we have to do it because it's our job, he knows it's nothing serious, so you could say that he's the most understanding and caring boyfriend I've ever had."

I/N and the crowd aw,"That's so sweet girl! Now the times up, sadly. I wish we could've had more time."

"Me too I/N, I'll see you later, give me a call soon so we can hang out!" Y/N tells the young interviewer, hugging her and turning towards the crowd.

"See you guys later! Love you!" Y/N blows a kiss to them and walks back stage to cheers and applause.

748 Words!!
Sorry there wasn't a lot of Jack in this. (◞‸◟ㆀ)

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