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R/R/N : Random Restaurant Name

Y/N L/N was popular, she was the basketball captain in the girls basketball team.

Many guys had a crush on her, but she didn't have any crush on them. She's always nice, she doesn't bully anyone and she's a good loyal friend to have around.

Jack Grazer on the other hand was the so called nerd. He gets bullied, and no one stands up for him. He didn't have any friends. He wasn't rich but neither was he poor.He has the biggest crush on Y/N and but she hasn't even met him. Jack doubts that she at least knows his name.

There was a basketball game today. Their school's girls team VS another schools girl's team.

Y/N had been practicing for a long time with her friends and sometimes without them.

When the game started Jack had been carrying water bottles serving them to any one who wants to buy them.

Once in a while Jack would glance down at the basket ball court where Y/N was playing in.

She shot many baskets and finally their team won. Jack gave her a dreamy smile, which went unnoticed by her and he went back to serving water bottles even though the game was over, many people wanted more water bottles.

Y/N grabbed her water bottle off the bench and drank it whole. She put her bottle down and wiped her mouth, watching as the crowd cleared,she was waiting for her teammates to come out of the changing room so she can change, she wasn't really comfortable in changing in front of them, her teammates too wished her congratulations, after coming out from the changing rooms and left.

Her coach gave her a quick hug and grinned at her, leaving.

Y/N glanced at the court which was almost empty before she heard a running noise from behind her and she fell down.

The guy who bumped on her didn't notice this and ran away, he was carrying a water bottle carrier that was half empty.

"Hey water boy!" Y/N yelled while getting up and off the floor.

The boy stopped abruptly and turned to Y/N with wide eyes,

"Oh h-hey Y-Y/N," The boy stuttered.

Y/N narrowed her eyes, "Hello to you too but you literally knocked me down!"

His eyes widened even more,"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry is there any way I can help?!"

Y/N sighed,"Well, I'm not wounded or anything but I really want some more water, can I have a bottle?"

Jack nods at fast walks to Y/N,"Here," He hands a water bottle to Y/N.

"So what's your name water boy?" Y/N asks after taking a sip from the water bottle, drenching her thirst.

"I'm J-Jack," He answered with a shy small smile.

"Well nice to meet you Jack even though you made me fall down," Y/N jokes.

Jack looks down with a frown.

"Hey I was joking! Don't worry," Y/N reassures him.

Jack looks up at her with a fake smile, hoping that Y/N couldn't see the sadness within his eyes, before he looked back down at his worn out sneakers.

Y/N sighed again, "Tell you what? You seem pretty cool and you're cute, wanna go on a date with me?"

Jack's head snapped up with eyes as wide as saucers,"P-Please tell me you aren't joking."

Y/N giggles,"No, I'm not."

Jack smiles,"Of course! I mean yes uh yeah sure. When?"

"If you aren't busy we can go now, just give me some time to change and shower?"

Jack grins,"Yeah sure I'm free. My parents wont mind."

Y/N grins back,"Mine too, just give me a few minutes."

She walks to the changing rooms, taking her bag out of her locker and pulling out her clothes.

She has a shower in the changing rooms and changes into her clothes. She comes back out to the court with her bag over her left shoulder, wearing a black T-shirt, blue jeans, a while belt and black boots.

Jack smiles at her as she picks her water bottle off of the bench,"So you have a car?" Y/N asks.

Jack shakes his head embarrassed.

"We can take mine," Y/N tells Jack with a smile.

Jack nods, still embarrassed.

They walked to Y/N's car in comfortable silence and got in. Y/N put her bag and bottle to the back seat and started the car, the engine roaring to life.

They made it to a restaurant,R/R/N and got out of the car, Jack and Y/N learned a lot about each other during the ride and found out they liked a lot of the same things.

Any awkwardness they had was now replaced by a happy and cheery atmosphere.

They walked in to the restaurant and sat down in a booth at a corner. Jack sat down and fiddled with his hands as Y/N checked the menu. Glancing up, Y/N saw Jack fiddling with his hands and placed one of her hands on Jack's, making him look up to see her questioning gaze.

"What's wrong Jack?" She asks concerned.

Jack looks at her shy and scared,"You didn't come here because of a dare or something did you?"

Y/N sighs placing her menu down and taking Jack's hands with both of hers, "Look Jack, I know I may seem like a popular bitch or something," Jack rapidly shakes his head,"No! You're one of the kindest people I've seen," Y/N smiles,"Thanks, I know that I haven't known you for along time but you seem like a good person and I wanted to get to know you better, that's why I asked you, not because of some dare okay?"

Jack nods,smiling and squeezes her hands which were still cradling his.

The date was a huge success and it ended with Y/N dropping Jack off at his house and telling him that she'd pick him up tomorrow to go to school.

The next day Y/N got up early, did her usual morning routine and changed into a white T-shirt, black jeans, a green,white and black sports jacket and her green sneakers.

She drove to Jack's house after breakfast with a huge smile on her face, she pulled up his driveway and right when she was about to get out of the car to knock on the door, Jack ran outside with a grin on his face.

"Hey Y/N! Thanks for picking me up!" Jack tells her.

Y/N nods,"Of course, I'd love to pick up the cute guy I went on a date with yesterday," She tells Jack making him blush.

"Speaking of I was thinking maybe you would want to go on another date with me when you're free?" Y/N asks while pulling out of his driveway.

Jack nods excitedly,"Yes I mean yeah uh sure I'd love to," He says rubbing behind his neck.

Y/N giggles,"Don't be embarrassed, I'd probably be extremely excited too if such a cute guy as yourself asked me on another date."

Jack chuckles joining in on Y/N's laughter.

1222 Words.
Will probably be a part two.

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