Gif Imagine-E.K.

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"Hey Y/N!" A voice yells out, making Y/N pause in her steps of getting on her bike.

"Oh hey Richie!What's up what're you doing here?" You ask him, curiosity lacing your voice, Richie bikes over to you and places his foot down to stop his bike, temporarily.

"I just thought that we could go to school together today?" Richie replies to your question with a question.

"Ya sure!" You tell him with a smile, making him smile back while pushing his glasses, up his nose.

You get on your bike and together you and Richie bike to school.


"Hey guys!" Y/N tells the group of 5 who stood outside the school waiting for Y/N and Richie.

"Hey Y/N," They chirped in sync.

"What took you guys so long?" Ben asks Y/N and Richie.

"Oh, Rich had to take a pee break on the way! It was so embarrassing!" Y/N explains as she stood next to Eddie, who blushed at the small space between him and his girlfriend.

He gives her a shy grin and you grin back, taking his hand and squeezing it once before letting go. You look away and do not see the small frown that takes upon Eddie's face.

Richie puts an arm around you,"It's not my fault, Y/N we were running late and I couldn't just go back home because we were already like more than half way here!"

"Haha," You laugh sarcastically and shrug his arm off.

Eddie takes one look at the exchange and looks away, frowning with a small pout.

Stan sees this since Eddie stands in front of him and gives him a small smile, to make him feel a little better.

Eddie gives a half hearted one back and look back at Y/N and Richie who were now bickering while the others, meaning Bill and Beverly try to stop them.

"Guys stop!" Beverly demands, making them stop at that moment and look at her with wide eyes.

"Sorry Bev," They mummer and step away from each other slowly. Their hands touching once when they moved away.

Bill sighs,"Thanks B-Bev, let's just g-guh-go inside and try to avoid B-B-Bowers," The others nod in agreement and Y/N says a small sorry.

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