Chapter 1

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Have you ever looked up at the sky when the moon is so big and full where if you reached your hand out you could almost touch it? When something so beautiful could also be dangerous. Your never think about the bad that comes with beauty. I never did. I guess that was my mistake that awful night.

It was a hot summer day of July when my friends and I decided to take a trip up to the mountains. College was right around the corner. Freshman year for us. Well except Donny. He wants to travel for a year before he starts that chapter of his life. But we all know what that means whenever someone says that. They never do make it to college and become what they want.

I look over to my left. My High school sweetheart, Mason driving. The breeze flowing through his blonde hair. Turning his blue eyes on me smiling . Hearing the engine roaring got me thinking how he can love this BMW Volkswagen so much. You can smell the rust on it. The blue paint chipping away from it's old age. Rust patches on the top of the roof. The sewing in the seats coming unraveled. He's had it since he was sixteen. Won't part ways with it because it's his "Baby bug".

Apparently we got stuck taking his car out of the five of us. I personally wanted to take two cars just in case this bucket of rust breaks down on us in the middle of nowhere. But looking in Mason's beautiful deep blue eyes and him pleading with me not to, how can I say no to that? He wants everyone together on this trip for our last summer together before we split up for school.

"Ugh are we almost there!?" Jenny whines for the hundredth time.

I trail my eyes back on her. Her Auburn hair in a neat pony tail. She's wearing a green V-neck blouse and a short skirt that I would never even try to pull off. Let's not forget about the six inch heels she's wearing!

I'm surprised she even agreed to go with us. She hates camping and bugs. But when she found out there will be a bed and working bathroom she was all in.

" Another hour and we should be at the turn off of route 49." I said looking at the map. " from there it should only take thirty minutes to get to the cabin." Putting the map away in the glove box.

"Don't worry, babe. It will be all worth it when we get there. Thinking about all the alone time we can have!" Chris said while nuzzling his nose into Jenny's neck.

A high pitch squeal came from Jenny while pushing at Chris's chest. "Stop it, Chris! Everyone doesn't need to know any of that!" Jenny's cheeks turning red as a tomato. Chris not letting go of her just brought her back close to him. "Sorry, Jen I just can't help it." Showing off his bright smile to her. His green eyes sparkling with mischief. Chris has that whole bad boy look going on. His dirty blonde hair styled to perfection. Black pants, white shirt and combat boots. Let's not forget about the damn leather jacket he's always wearing. But judging by his looks you would never tell how much of a softy he is especially when it comes to Jen.

"Can I not have a room next to these horn dogs when we get there!?" Donny said covering his face with his hands. I couldn't help but let out a bark of laughter.

"Uncle John said there is only two rooms. So Donny it looks like your bunking out on the couch. Unless you want to have a sleepover with the two horn dogs that is!?" Mason smirking while looking through the review mirror at Donny's reaction. He's slumped in his seat with a scowl on his face. Him and Mason are twins. You couldn't even tell though because they are polar opposites. While Mason has the blonde hair blue eyes and jock style going on Donny has the dark brown curly hair and brown eyes with the whole dark clothing. Always wearing hoodies , dark tight pants and vans. Donny takes after their mom while Mason after their father.

" I'd rather sleep with the damn bears than room with those two!" Donny said with a scroll on his face.

"BEARS!? I thought you said there were no bears, Chris!?" Jenny screeched from the back.

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