Chapter 5

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I stare at him for a bit running my hands through my hair I let out a big breathe. Why now? I think to myself. I look him in the eye.

"We don't have time for this Donny." I sigh turning away from him. He comes up right behind me. I could feel him breathe on the back of my neck. "Right now is the perfect time because we don't know if we will make it out of this or not." He tells me. I spin around and see how close he is. He is just a breathe away from me. I back up a little to get some space.

"Mason is in the other room he might hear." I say.

"He's talking to Chris we are fine. We need to talk about what happened that night." He comes a little closer.

"We were drunk Donny. We made a mistake, I made a mistake that night." I shake my head looking at him. "Do not tell me you do not feel anything! I know you do Scar." He leans in a little making me lean back more. "You know I love you, Scarlet. I can make you happy. Why can't you see that? Mason he loves you but he told me himself that it's not going to last between y'all once college starts." The truth stung. In all honesty Mason and I have been having problems. That's also one of the reasons why I decided to come up here to try to make it work. To get everything back on track with us. He would distance himself from he a lot the last six months. I even heard rumors that he was sleeping around on me. He's never treated me bad not once. It's just feels like the spark in our relationship is gone even though I try to tell myself other wise. One night we got into really bad. Jenny coaxed me out to a party with her where I got really drunk. Donny was there and saw how upset I was. I vented and cried to him about everything. One thing lead to another and I Ended up losing my virginity to him.

The guilt that consume me the next morning was eating at me. I never thought about Donny that way. To me he was just always my boyfriend's brother. I told Jen that same day and she asked how I felt about him. And to be honest I did feel something for Donny but that doesn't change the way I feel about Mason. I love him. But love only gets you so far when the other person doesn't try hard enough.

"Donny I like you a lot I'm not going to lie but I just can't throw away everything I have with Mason. We have so much history together. And if he does decide to leave me I won't be getting with anyone for awhile. I just can't right now Donny." I whisper to him. He signs and nods. "I'll always be here for you I hope you know that.' He tells me leaning in and kissing me on the forehead. I nod at him and smile. He walks back into the living room. We need to get out of here and soon. All of this stress is putting a strain on me.

I walk back to the living room and see the guys peeking out the window. Mason looks at me and walks over to me.

"Hey you okay?" He asks me. I nod and give him a weak smile.

"As best as I can be. What did y'all plan on?" Hopefully it works I think to myself.

"Chris said he wants to be the one to get the van. I tried telling him I could but he refuses. So we are checking to see if the thing is out there anywhere. I haven't seen it or heard it for awhile so the cost should be clear." He fills me in. "Donny is going to pick up Jen when he pulls up to the porch and we are going to bolt it and get the hell out of here." He finishes telling me. I nod my head to agree on the plan. I walk over to Chris and give him a hug.

"Please be careful." I tell him. He squeezes me back.

"I will and I'm sorry for yelling at you. It wasn't right of me too." I shake my head. "It's fine we are all under a lot of stress." He nods at me and walks to the door. Blowing out a big breathe he looks at Mason and nods his head telling him he is ready. Mason gives him the keys while he holds a knife up getting ready to run. Mason and Donny remove the cabinet that they put in front of it and unlocks the door. They look at him asking him he's ready and he nods. They throw open the door while Chris runs out.

Donny goes and picks up Jen getting ready for when we dash out. She lets out a little whimper. We watch out the door while Chris runs to the van. There is no sign of the werewolf anywhere. He gets in and drives right up to the porch. Mason runs up and pulls the sliding door open for us. I run and get in Donny and Jen next then Mason. He slams the door shut.

"GO GO GO!" Mason yells at Chris. He puts it in drive and high tails it out of here. We all breathe out a sigh of relief. I look at Mason and smile. We can get to the hospital now to get Jenny some help! Donny has her on his lap. I sit next to them.

"We made it Jen! We are going to get you some help just hang on." I whisper in her ear and kiss her on the head.

"Fuck yeah! Fuck you stupid werewolf!" Chris yells up front. We all laugh.

"Oh thank god we actually made it out of there." Donny says next to me. We've been driving for awhile the highway should be coming up here shortly. Before we could get to relaxed there was a bang on the top of the car. I held my breath looking up. No. No it can't be. A couple of more bangs and the window next to me shatters. I scream and duck my head. I feel pressure on my arm and then sharp nails  cutting through my flesh. I scream out in agony.

"Ahhhh!!!! Get it the fuck off of me!" I scream. The claws dig deeper it feels like it's hitting my bones now. I hit and claw at the hand trying to get it off of me. Mason comes next to me and stabs the beasts hand with the knife. After what felt like forever it finally let's go. I drop to the floor with Donny and Jen. Donny grabs my shoulders and pulls me away from the window. Chris is speeding and swerving try to get it off the roof.

"Son of a bitch! Just fall off already!" Chris screams. Not a second later an arm comes through the front windshield the arm going right through Chris's chest. He gags and starts coughing out blood in shock of what just happened we just stare. The car swerves and we hit something hard. I go flying into the back of the passengers seat hitting my head. Black dots cloud my vision. I hear metal being ripped and look up seeing Chris being pulled out of his seat disappearing.

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