Chapter 4

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Blood curling screams and growls is all I can hear. And the terrifying scene in front of me will forever haunt me. Right in front of me is a beast, razor sharp claws and fangs that can puncture anything. The beast is so huge maybe over seven feet tall. Fur as dark as night. And the beast was tearing into my best friend. There was so much blood. Too much blood. The beast had it's jaw clamped down hard on Jenny's should and was dragging in long talon nails down her front. The screams that were coming out of her were being silenced by the blood collecting in her throat.

"H..Help." Jen screams out. Chris getting over the shock gets up and starts looks around for something. You can see the horror in his eyes. He runs to the fire and grabs a branch almost completely on fire. Jenny's screams can still be head while he runs up to her and the beast and swings on it hitting it's back. He keeps hitting it But it seems to be doing nothing to it. Finally hitting it on the head some embers flew into its eyes. The beast whimpers letting Jen go. The beast stands going to its full height. I was wrong it was way taller than seven feet tall maybe almost nine. It roars and swings at Chris missing him by inches. Mason and Donny get up now running to help. Donny has the chair raised in his hands swinging at it. Mason grabs a stick on the ground next to us.

"SCAR GET JENNY INSIDE NOW!!!" Mason screams at me. I watch as they fight off the beast. I hurry over to Jenny who is laying in the dirt and leaves now. So much blood. I cry while bending down to help her up. She is going in and out of consciousness. I'm pretty much dragging her to the cabin.

"Come on Jen we have to get inside! Stay with me! P...please stay with me." I sob while dragging her over the threshold. Little cry's and whimpering are coming from her. I place her down on one of the couches. Her breathing is labored. I need something to stop the bleeding. I run to the kitchen and start pulling out drawers until I come upon some rags. They are old and musty but they will do for now. Running back to her I put pressure on her wounds. I can still hear the guys fighting with the beast outside. Jen let's out a small cry.

"It hurts! It hurts!" Crying and screaming at the same time.

"I know! I'm sorry we need to keep pressure on it, Jen! Just hold on until we can get you to a hospital! Don't you dare leave me!" I half scream at her. I feel so hopeless. I know the nearest hospital it's for over 50 miles back at the last town we past. And to top it off there was no cell service out here to call for help. I just need her to calm down. I don't know what else to do for her. I hear a scream and seconds later the guys come in running trying to shut the door as fast as they can. Once they close it they lock it. There was a Big Bang on the door. The beast was trying to get inside. They were holding the door making sure it wouldn't break down. The door shook with so much force. I don't know how much longer it will hold out for. We heard it roar then silence afterwards. All I can hear is our heavy breathing and Jen's labored ones. She passed out sometime when they boys came running in.

"We need to barricade all the windows and doors." Donny says panting. Chris and Mason nod their heads.

"We also need to find weapons." Mason adds in. He hisses and holds his right arm. I just notice blood trickling down it. I gasp. "Mase are you okay!?" I walk over to him inspecting his arm.

"I'm fine it's just a scratch." He reassures me. Chris and Donny take the table an put it over one of the windows. They start barricading everything. I turn to Mason and take his hand in mine leading him to the bathroom. I get a rag out wetting it with water and start wiping his arm off. The cut is deep. But it's already starting to clog which is good. I look in the cabinets and find a first aid kit. I put on some ointment and wrapped it up. I look up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Hey everything will be okay. I promise we will get out of here." He brings me into a hug. I didn't want to let go it felt safe here. He kisses me I the top head and holds me tightly. "Jenny is not in good shape, Mason. She lost too much blood. I don't know how much longer she will hold on for!" I sob into his chest.

"Shh. We will get her help I promise. We just need to hold off for a bit. We need to make sure we can get out of here safely." He mumbles in my hair.

"That... thing, it's from the story isn't? They are true." I ask.

"I guess so. I just thought my Uncle was crazy. Never in a million years would I believe anything like this was true." He tells me. "I'm scared Mase!" I cry out.

"I know. So am I but I will protect to until my last breath." He promises me. We make our way out into the living room. Chris was at Jenny's side stoking her head and whispering to her. He had tears of terror running down his face. Donny knelt down by the fire place poking at the fire. He must had set it while we were still in the bathroom. We go over to them and sit down. I check on Jen and she's still bleeding but not as bad. She's white as a sheet with dopes of sweat every where on her. She's shivering so I grab the throw blanket and put it on her she stops seconds after. I exhale and look at the guys

"We found knives and a bat but nothing else. I thought uncle John had some guns here but I couldn't find them." Donny tells us.
"This will have to do for now." Mason tells him. I put my head I on his shoulder. When I look up Donny is staring at me. His jaw is clenching. He looks away after a minute.

"We can't just stay here that thing is going to come back. We are sitting ducks here." I tell them. "Maybe one of us can get to the van and bring it up to the porch that way we won't have to carry Jen that far." I eye them seeing what they think about this. They nod their heads. Chris is silent. "Chris did you hear me?" I ask him.

"Yeah I fucking heard you!" He yells at me. Shock consumes me from his out burst.

"Don't yell at her like that!" Mason says.

"Watch it, Chris." Donny grinds out.

"Fuck you both! This is y'all's fault in the fucking first place! If y'all didn't drag us out here we wouldn't be in this predicament! Jenny wouldn't be bleeding out to death right as we speak. Her blood is on your hands if she dies!" He screams back. I don't know what to say to that but I didn't have to Donny says it for us.

"We had no idea that the story was real! I mean for fucks sake that thing shouldn't even exist!! But it does and we need to stick together and help each other out of this! I'm sorry Jen is hurt I really am. But it's not going to do us any good fighting about whose fault it is. If we want to make it out alive we have to fight with everything we have." He finishes with a determine voice. Chris sighs and rubs his eyes with the palm of his hands.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I just can't lose her. I love her, man." Donny clasps an Hand on Chris's shoulder nodding his head. "I know, we all love someone here." He finishes saying before looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I look away not wanting to look him in the eyes. Guilt consumes me.

" okay so let's make a plan." Mason says while I zone them out. I get up and go into the kitchen. I grab a water out of the fridge. Taking a big gulp. I see Donny standing in the doorway. I sigh looking at him.

"We need to talk."

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