Chapter 8

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Reaching the bottom I hopped off the last step landing with a soft thump. I turn in all directions making sure the beast wasn't lurking in the shadows. Donny nudge my shoulder pointing his finger to the left of us.

"I think I heard him go this way. Let's just walk and see if we find him or any sign." He tells me. I nod my head.

"Do you still have that knife with you?" We at least need one weapon to protect ourselves. Nodding his head. "Yeah." Pulling it out of his waist band.

"Let's hurry I don't like being out in the open like this." I whisper to him. We began walking in the direction we think Mason went. My senses are on high alert for anything. Walking lightly as we can we try catching up with Mason.

"What if the beast got him? What if we are too late? What do we do!?" I asked question after question. My nerves sky rocketing.

"He will be fine he has a knife on him as well. Let's not think about that until it comes to it for now let's hurry up and get to him." He reassures me. Fifteen more minutes passed and no sign of him anywhere.

"There is no sign of him anywhere, Donny. He could be anywhere." All of a sudden we hear foot steps coming towards us. It sounds like someone is dragging their feet into the leaves and dirt. My breathe got caught in my throat. Scooting closer to Donny and holding onto his arm. Within seconds Mason came into view. Sighing with relief I started moving towards him.

"Mason thank god! We... what the hell!?"
Donny grabbed my arm pulling me back. Mason came a little more forward. His hands are holding his stomach blood flowing out between them. He drops to his knees coughing up blood. He only said one word before falling to the ground.


Donny grabbed my hand and we took off running. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest I thought it was going to explode. I heard pounding behind us. It was gaining on us and fast. Donny has a tight grip on my hand he was pretty much dragging me along. My mind kept repeating one word and one word only. Faster! Faster! FASTER! I could feel the beast right behind me. It's breath on the back of my neck. I let out a whimper. This is not how I want to die with this beast ripping me up alive. All of a sudden I saw light.

"Donny over there!" I skidded to a stop and hauled him to the right of us. Running to the light was like a beacon of hope. Maybe someone could help us! Clearing the last of the trees I see a bonfire. Then I heard people laughing. About fifty yards from them I started yelling.

"HELP! Please help us!" We were about thirty yards away now I see three silhouettes standing and walking towards our direction. "Hello? Are you okay?" A man shouted.

"Help!" I let one last plead out. Donny was running ahead of me now trying to get to them in time and warn them what's going on. All of a sudden I felt something crash into from the back. The weight was unbearable I could barely breathe. Trying to take big gulps of air but failing it soon ended when I could finally breath with it off. Breathing deep and hard I turned onto my back and once I looked up I wish I didn't see what I saw above me staring right at me. I felt a scream lodge into my throat not able to let it out from being paralyzed with fear. 

The beast hovering above me few inches away from my face. Saliva dripping from its long blood stained canines hitting me in the face. It's growling lowly at me ready to strike to kill. I swear the beast was looking into my soul. I couldn't blink, I couldn't
move and hell I was afraid to even breathe for just one little Sleight movement would send it off and Maul me to death. I broke the staring contest with the beast once I heard Donny calling my name. The beast snapped it's head up and growled louder at Donny who was approaching fast. He skidded to a stop and looked at me with horror not knowing what to do.

"Donny stay back!" I got the beast attention on me again. I gulped trying to think of how to get out of this situation. With the beast growling and it moving closer to my face with those sharp teeth I started feeling around me for anything to use as a weapon. With one final deep growl the beast lunge for my throat but before it could clamp down my hand came in contact with a branch. Using all my strength I let out a scream and stabbed the beast in its right eye. The stick was lodge in there pretty good and I heard the squelch of the eye and a pop. The beast roared and stumbled off of me. Screeching in agony it tried but unsuccessfully couldn't get the stick out. I heard a gun go off and then ringing in my ears. Covering my ears I looked at the beast it was shot in the left shoulder. Letting more whimpers and growls out the beast turned around and ran back to the woods covering it's self with the shadows.

I let out a long breathe and collapsed back down to the ground. Trying to get my breathing under control I put my right hand over my beating heart. It felt like it was trying to burst right out of my chest. Donny came into view hovering above me.

"Are you okay!? Did it hurt you anywhere!? Oh my god I thought I was going to lose you there for a minute! Fuck, Scar I almost lost you!" I shake my head sitting up. My breathing under control now I got to my feet. Donny grabbed my face and was turning it side to side checking to make sure I was okay putting my hand on his wrist and pulling my face away from him.

"I'm fine, Donny. My front is just bruised from the fall but other than that I'm okay." I reassure him. Donny nodded and looked behind him.

"Thank you for helping us. It's been one hell of a night for us. We've lost three people out of the group one of them was my brother." I step to the side of Donny and look and the approaching figures. There were three of them one girl and two men. The man in the middle looked to be in his mid thirties with a brown cap on his head you could see his light brown hair peeking out. He had a thick bead and wearing what looks to be camo clothing. He was carrying a rifle in his hands. He was the first one to arrive to us stopping 5 meters away. The girl looked to be our age. With slightly darker hair than the first man and same clothing. She must be his daughter they look so alike. The third person looked to be the same age as the first man. He was bald and plump wearing and red cap on his head. Reaching us you could see the shock on there faces.

"What the hell was that!?" The plump man asked in a very heavy southern accent.

"A werewolf." I spoke lowly. I thought they would laugh at me and not believe me but to my shock they paled.

"You mean to tell me that the stories are all true? Ain't that something.." The middle man said. He seem to get out of his shock faster than the other two. Shaking his head he introduced himself and the others.

"My names John. My daughter Baliey and my friend Duke." I took a step closer towards them. "I'm scarlet and this here is Donny. Thank you so much for saving us." John nodded his head at me.

"I'm just glad you are okay. Come we should all get out of here before it comes back. Our truck is about three miles west. If we hurry we should make it in time. With that we followed them to the campsite and waited for them to get there things leaving some stuff saying they will come back for it later. With that we took of west hoping to reach there before its too late.

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