Chapter 11

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I woke to freezing water splashing in my face. I choke on it when it forced its way down through my throat. Coughing up water I look around. Everything is hazy. I blink a couple of times trying to get my sight back to normal. Once I can see a little bit more I take in my surroundings. We are in the woods, Torches are all around us. I see Donny tied to a post. His shirt is ripped and he has a cloth wrapped around his mouth. As far as I can see he is fine just still passed out. I tried moving to get to him but my wrists are held with rope. I didn't even realize there were. Two post on each side of me with rope attached. My arms spread slightly upwards. I try pulling at the ropes but all they did was dig into my wrist making them more red than they were. Frantically looking around me I see John, Duke,Bailey and Claire all staring at me.

"What the fuck is going on!? What the hell is wrong with you people!?" I scream at them. Bailey moves forward towards me. She places a braided twig crown on top of my head. I try to lean back as much as I can but the ropes holding me keep me in place. My breathing is hard and I feel like I'm going to faint any moment.

"You should feel honored that he picked you. He's been waiting a long time for you." She smiles at me then kisses my forehead then Walking away from me and leaving me confused. I furrow my brows.

"Who are you talking about? What is going on! ANSWER ME!" I screamed the last part at them. Claire steps up next her arms folded over her chest.

"My sweet girl. Don't you want to know why you have been chased tonight?" She gazes into my eyes and I know I won't like the answer she is about to give me.

"My little boy has finally found his mate tonight!" She raises her arms in the air while yelling. The others hoot and Holler along with her. She moves closer to me grabbing my chin. I try moving my head back but the grip is to strong.

"You see we aren't like your normal of the mill family. We have a deep dark secret. We try keeping to ourselves and not hurt anyone but sometimes we slip up here and there." She chuckles. "It all started when we took a trip up here for a camping trip, and of course it was on a full moon. Well let's just say we were surprised about what came for us that night. Luckily we survived and was able to get away from the beast that attacked us. We thought we were fine and the worst was behind us, until the next full moon. You see all it takes is just a scratch or a bite to get the curse. So when we turned and killed people we knew what we had to do. We left and bought a house out here to seclude ourselves from people. We were all miserable thinking this curse was just so horrible but then we realized how this curse was a gift! We don't die easily, we don't age like humans. It was a gift from above." She let's go a starts taking steps away from me. This can not be happening! Are you fucking shitting me! They want me to be mates with that beast!?We survived one werewolf how are we suppose to survive five? Tears start running down my face my head goes limp to my chest.

"Oh, Child. You should be honored! The gift is a blessing and you get to spend it with your mate!" John tells me. He walks up to Claire and puts his arms around her waist from behind. Smiling at me he says. "Your mate will love you and cherish you forever." He kisses on the side of her head. I look at them with disgust, These people are sick.

"You all are insane if you think I would ever be with a fucking monster! Your are all sick fucks!" My breathing getting heavier with each word I say. I look at Donny, he's still passed out. Claire moves her eyes to where I was looking at. The grin on her face terrified me to the core.

"Duke... Wake the boy up why don't you." Her eyes training on Donny the whole time. Duke walks up to Donny and stands there for a minute. He looks over his shoulder at me and smirks. Out of nowhere he swings back his fist and punches Donny in the stomach. I scream out a cry. My tears are coming out more now. Donny wakes with a Yelp and is heaving trying to hunch over but the ropes tied around him won't let him.

"Leave him alone you bastard! Don't you dare put another hand on him!" I start struggling with the ropes trying to get free. My wrist hurt more and start to bleed. I stop after Duke went to stand back with the other. Panting I look at Donny, we make eye contact and I see the confusion in his eyes.

"Donny they are all werewolves! They tricked us." Anger flashes in his eyes and he starts struggling with the ties. He's trying to say something but the gag stays in place. Bailey sways over to him.

"What's that, love? I can't hear you!" She giggles. Donny is still trying to something so Bailey pulled down the cloth. Donny flexes his jaw looks them all in the eye one by one.

"I said, I'm going to kill all of you bastards one by one." Donny smirks. They all laughed at him.

"Stupid boy! There is five of us and only two of you! And let's not forget we are all werewolves." John finishes up laughing still. Donny doesn't say anything just glares at them. I have no hope for us. They captured and tied us up. We have no weapons either. Not to far out in the woods a howl is heard. I look at Donny and let a cry out.

"Scar, it will be fine. I will get us out of here I promise okay?" Not believing him in nod my head anyways. I know I would be fine. They didn't want to kill me. But Donny they have no use for him. I cry into my arm hoping for a miracle.

"About time, Sam! I swear we have been waiting out her forever." Bailey pouts crossing her arms over her chest. The next moment I hear twigs snap and foot steps coming closer to us. The bushes fifty yards ahead of me part and a figure steps out from behind them. I'm shaking so bad my teeth are rattling and vibrating through my whole body. The figure starts to walk slowly towards us. When he finally reaches the glow from the torches I can make out it's features. A man maybe twenty five with age, blonde hair, crystal clear blues eyes, board shoulders and a slim waist. He walks until he's right at the edge of the torches. I hate to admit it but he's handsome, but those eyes scare me. There's just something there that makes me unsettled.

"Sorry I'm late. Had to clean up the mess" his voice deep and husky. He locks eyes with me and gives me an evil smile. I shudder and look away from him keeping my eyes on the ground in front of me. Footsteps appear in my line of vision. I don't dare look up. A hand comes up and I flinch away thinking they were going to strike me. Surprised when they put a finger under my chin and raise it. My head has to bend back more to come eye to eye with him. He was tall, taller than Donny. He smiles at me and caresses my face.

"Finally my love , we meet."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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