Chapter 2

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The cabin was small but big enough . The front porch had two rusted metal chairs. One was on it's side. What stood out the most was the red door. It wasn't a bright red but a deep blood red. Odd that someone would paint it that color. One of the shingles was hanging by one screw. Leaves scattered around the floor of the porch and roof. You can tell no one has been here for a long time. In all honesty, it looks kinda creepy. I make my way out of the van stretching my limbs making them pop and getting feeling back into my legs. I look at all of my friends piling out of the van with excitement on their faces.

"What do you think, scar?" Mason came up from behind me wrapping his arms around my rib cage and resting his chin on my head. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Are you sure we aren't going to get killed, like that one movie where a bunch of teens go out in the middle of no where and get attacked by hillbilly zombies? I joked. Mason rolled his eyes at me and smacked my rear.

"Quit playing!" He laughs. "Honestly what do you think?" I looked back at the cabin then him. I hugged him while looking up at him.

"It's....awesome! I can't wait to see the inside." I smiled and reached up on my tippy toes and gave him a small peck on the lips. He smiled at me and kissed me again. We were interrupted by Donny.

"Will you two  save that for later! Let's get everything unpacked before daylight runs out!" Donny sending a glare our way. I scrolled and hid my face into masons muscled chest. Mason grabs my hand "Come on." He leads me to the back of the van. We all stared to unload the van and brought everything up to the porch.

"Mase, you have the key right?" Chris asked while leaning against the railing.

"Yeah give me a second." He dug around his pocket looking for the key. He pulled it out and put it into the door. He tried turning it but it wouldn't budge.

"Shit! The damn thing is stuck!" Mason tried wiggling it a couple of times before it finally turned all the way over. Mason looked at us with a sheepish smile.

"It's been awhile since anyone has been out here. Hopefully it's not to much of a mess." We all piled into the cabin. It was dark in here, little bit of light was coming through the curtains lighting up the part of the living room. Mason tried the switch and unfortunately nothing happened.

"Crap the generator probably needs gas. Donny, Chris come help me get it started. There should be a shed in the back where the generator is located." The boys left the girls inside trying to get things started.

"It smells like a hobo has been living in here." Jenny scrunched up her nose taking her fingers and pinching it closed. I shake my head at her.

"It's not that bad. Just needs to be aired out. Help me with the windows, the smell should be out my night time." I walked over to the window close by the fireplace. I peeled open the dark heavy curtains and dust flew everywhere including into my damn Lungs! I coughed and swat my hand in the air trying to get the dust away from me. Once it all settled and I could breath properly I unlocked the hatches and pried the window open. I had to use a little more force since it's been awhile the last time it was open. After I had gotten all the windows open I could see where everything was at. In the living room there was a beige floral three seater couch with two brown recliners on each side of it. They were facing the fireplace. Above the fireplace was a picture. The picture looked old with the paint eating away at it. I could make out a meadow and flowers with a stream running through it. Next to the fireplace was some logs to go into it. I looked to my left to see the entrance way to the kitchen. I make my way into there. The counters were covered in dust. I wiped some away and saw green under it. This place is definitely going to need a good wipe down. The fridge was off to the left of the entrance. It looked like one of those old metal ones back in the fifties. The floor through the cabin was all wood. It shouldn't take that long to clean. While walking out of the kitchen the lights started to flicker on and off. Eventually the stayed on.

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