Chapter 10

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I stand looking myself over In the mirror. My whole body is covered in scratches and bruises. Wetting the washcloth I started cleaning the cuts on my face. I didn't even notice them there probably from when the window smashed in the van. After getting done with that I unwrap the cloth from my arm wincing in the process. The cuts weren't too deep but it was already turning red around them. Looking under the sink I found some Hydroperoxide and cotton balls. I start cleaning the wound holding a scream down the whole time. I found some gauze and wrapped it around my arm tight.

Bailey had given me a baby blue sundress to wear. I shimmy myself into it and surprised it fit perfectly. Bailey was smaller in the hip area and a little bigger in the bust area. Sighing and looking one last time in the mirror. I look presentable enough. A shower would be great but I just don't want to wastes time before the cops get here. I walk out the same time Donny is about to go down the stairs. We stand a look at each other never breaking eye contact.

Donny slowly walks up to me still keeping eye contact. He brings his hand up to my face ,his thumb stroking my cheek.

"You look beautiful in that dress." I blush and look down. He puts his finger under my chin lifting my face back up to him. He leans down and captures my lips with his. I was in shock the first couple of seconds but then I stared to kiss him back with more passion. My stomach feels like it has a hundred of butterflies and my heart beating a million miles per hour. The kiss getting more intense. I feel my back come in contact with the wall. Donny grabs the back of my legs and hoisting me up while still kissing me. I ran my hands through his silky curly hair tugging him to me. Tightening my legs around his torso trying to bring him closer to me.

We break contact after a couple of minutes both of us breathing heavily.  Out of the corner of my eye is see someone standing on the top of the stairs. Turing my head I see Claire with an disappointed look cross her face with a hint of anger. Confused I untangle my legs around Donny and he lets me down. Noticing me looking over his shoulder he turns and looks.

"I called the sheriff, He should be here within the hour. Come, let's get some food into y'all the tea is ready as well." Claire smiling now at us waving her hand to follow her while descending the stairs.

I look to Donny with a frown. He notices it right away. "What? Did I do something wrong?" He asks. I shake my head no.

"Something just seems off with the look she was giving us. It was like she was mad we were getting close to each other. I don't know maybe I'm just reading way into it and the stress is getting to me." I let out a breathe putting my hand on my forehead and rubbing the headache that's starting to form.

" You're not the only one. I just think it was weird the whole time we were with them out there the beast never came back for us, and if they are out there hunting all the time why haven't they ever encountered it before? something just seems off about the whole ordeal. Keeps your guard up we don't know what's going to hit us from behind." He finished whispering to me. I look into his eyes and nod my head. We head downstairs and join everyone in the kitchen.

The kitchen was a warm red. It was opened up with and island in the middle and a table off to the left. Straight across from the entry way the back door faced us. Duke was leaning against the door with a cup of coffee  in his hand. He didn't say anything just raised his cup to us and then drained from it. I'm thinking there is more than coffee in his drink with the glazed over look in his eyes. John, Claire and Bailey were sitting at the table. They smiled at us while we walked over to them.

"Glad to see Sam's clothes fit you." John says to Donny. Donny and I were sitting on one side of the table looking out towards the kitchen while Bailey was across from us and John and Claire were at the ends. Donny smiles and thanks John.

"Don't fret over it! It's the most we can do for you at the moment." Claire smiles at us. "Tea?" She asks us.

"Yes, thank you." I say. She gets two cups from the cabinets and sets them in front of us pouring us tea that is still steaming. She sits down smiling and stares at me. I squirm in my seat feeling uncomfortable with her stare and that smile that she knows something that I don't. Thankfully Donny decides to break the silence.

"This is good tea. What is it?" He looks to Claire. Taking another sip of it before setting it down in front of him. Claire takes her eyes off of me and smiles big at him.

"It's chamomile tea with some honey! It's good for the nerves." Her crystal blue eyes swing to me. " Drink up, Dear. You don't want it to get cold and you've have been through so much tonight." I hesitantly pick up the mug and take a small sip. It's good and you can taste the honey. But there is a taste that lingers on my younger I can't place. Looking at Claire she nods for me to drink more. Once I have drank d half of the tea I put it down. Claire smiles big and pushes some cookies in front of us. We each take one. Peanut butter, My favorite. I smile at Claire. "Thank you, I love peanut butter cookies." She smiles big at me.

"These are Sam's favorite cookies as well." She gets up and takes our mugs to the sink. Looking down at the cookie my vision went hazy for a couple of seconds. I shake my head. I look to Baliey and John. They are just staring at us not saying anything.

"You keep bring your son up, is he here?" Donny asks slurring his words. I look at him and he starts swaying. Out of nowhere he falls to the floor.

"Donny!" I scream. I get off my chair but my vision went hazy again and I feel like I can't control my limbs. They are so heavy. Feeling my legs give out on my I fall right beside Donny. My vision is going in and out. One second I'm looking up and the ceiling then the next I'm looking up at three faces. Claire bends down and runs her knuckles on my cheek.

"My sweet sweet dear. Sam is just going to love you. Not much longer now, he should be here soon." She rises and looks at Duke. "Make sure everything is prepared. We want everything special for our guest of honors." She looks down at me and smirks. I hear a door open close. My vision went completely black now. I feel like I'm falling into  a black abyss that I can't crawl myself out of. My last thought is, who is Sam?

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