Chapter 9

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We've been walking for thirty minutes now. Every noise makes my heart jump into my throat but it also got me thinking about Mason. This whole thing was my fault. If Mason and I weren't having problems we wouldn't be here now. If Donny and I never happened he wouldn't have left on his own. He would still be alive right now with us. I wipe my eyes from the guilt I feel. Donny who was walking next to me sees them before I could erase all evidence.

"Hey you doing okay?" I shake my head and look to the ground. I don't want him pitying me.

"We lost everyone tonight. You lost your brother, Donny." More tears filling my eyes. Not even bothering to wipe them away this time.

"I know, scar. But I think I lost Mason awhile ago." I look to him with confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him. He lets out a sigh while running his hands through his hair. He looks forward where the other three are. Then turns to me.

"Me and Mason have been distant for awhile now. It actually started when you two got together. You remember the first time we met?" He asks. I nod my head and smile. The memory still fresh to the surface.

"We got stuck being lab partners. We had to dissect those bull frogs and I didn't want anything to do with it! So you took over trying to act all manly but got squirt in the face by the juices inside it! I swear I never heard someone scream like a girl more than you!" I laugh lightly. Shaking my head of the good memories we've had.

"Haha. And I'm sure you would too if it got in your mouth! Even though it was a horrible experience for me I couldn't help but to fall for you that day. You had this glow around you whenever you smile and that god awful laugh!" I shove him playfully.

"Watch it Sinclair!" I pretend to glare at him. But honestly my laugh was horrible. Mix between a hyena and a water buffalo. I use to pretend laugh in the mirror just so I wouldn't embarrass myself with it anymore.

"I love your laugh. It's you and not the fake ones you try pulling out." I blush and look away.

"But like I was saying. I told Mason how much I liked you and wanted to ask you out. But he beat me to it. I had no idea he was even interested in you. When I ask he just told me, I can't always get what I want." He scoffs shaking his head anger in his eyes.

"I should've known he really didn't like you that way just wanted to make a point that he was better than me and he can have everything I want just so easily. Don't get me wrong I love him and I'm going to miss him. The way this all happened shouldn't have. But Mason isn't the man everyone thought he was. He was horrible to people and a Player. He never showed you the respect that you deserved. He would come home proud that he made you feel like shit. Laugh with his buddies about it. He even made a bet about taking your virginity on this trip."

An ache started forming in my chest and getting worst every time more words came out of his mouth. There is no way Mase would do that to me. Right? But then there has been signs all around me. He never wanted to go on dates with me anymore. I would text him and knew he saw it and never texted me back saying he was busy. The rumors of him cheating on me with different girls. How he would be sweet with me one second and do a three sixty and be so harsh to me. Maybe he was just putting up an act this whole time and didn't give a shit about me. Jess always told me how much she hated him. That I could always do better. I never thought I could though. He would always nick pick at things about me. My laugh, clothes, make up and so much more. I could never be the real me around him. It's probably why I slept with Donny in the first place. He was always so sweet to me.

"I thought this trip would fix everything. I never gave it a second thought about how overly sweet he was being to me this whole trip. I wanted to pretend everything was okay when I knew it wasn't. The only problem was being being stupid and not ending things when I should have." I wipe a lone tear away.

"Hey, none of it was you being stupid. You loved him and sometimes love is blind." He grabs my hand a squeezes it. I give him a small smile in return.

"Y'all keep up. We are almost there." John shouted back at us. Hope was swelling up in my heart. I turn to Donny and smiled so big.

"Come on! I'm ready to get out of here.' I picked up my pace coming to walk right next to Bailey. She looks at me and smiles.

"My dad and I thought y'all could come back with us to our house. Clean up and tend to y'all's wounds and call the police." We come to a back dirt road. I see there gray Chevy park off to the side. I give her a nod.

"Yeah that would be wonderful, thank you. How far away do you live?" I ask her.

"About thirty minutes away give or take. We are off of County road ten." She smiles at me. We hurry and get in the truck. Me in the back seat with Donny to my right and Bailey to my left. John starts the truck and we take off. The whole time all I can think about is the beast attacking us while driving again. Fidgeting in my seat Donny notices. He grabs my hand and it calms me down. Getting on the highway makes me feel so much better. We are safe and this nightmare is all over with.

We pull up to a farm house with a wrap around porch. John putting the truck in park we all get out. The house is two stories painted a light yellow. The singles are white and the so is the porch. There is a swinging bench on the Porch as well next to it two wicker chairs. This place is so homey. The lights are already on when we get there. And older lady steps out on the porch. Blonde hair, green eyes and a small frame. She was very pretty but had a hard look to her.

"John, sweetheart. I don't expect y'all back so soon and with company." The lady says to John meeting up with him and giving him a passionate kiss and hug.

"Claire, honey this is, Donny and Scarlet. They have been in some trouble tonight. Lost friends in the process." John tells her.

"Well what happened?" She asks looking us over.

"Let's go in first then we will explain everything, but I don't think you'll believe us. Hell I'm still trying to wrap my head over it. Claire nods and waves us in.

"Come I'll put on the kettle and make us some tea. Bailey why don't you get some clothes for Scarlet here and show her where the bathroom is. Donny my son has some clothes that will fit you. Come on now let's get inside and get y'all all clean up." She smiles and walks into the house.

My heart swells with joy knowing this nightmare is over. That Donny and I made it out of there. But boy was I wrong. You could never let your guard down even if you think you are safe.

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