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Tear streaked smiles mock me

From the captured moments

Of pleasant memories

That we wanted to hold on to.

An unhappy reminder of

What could have been,

What should have been,

Had our own messed up emotions

Not gotten in the way.

What was once treasured and hung up

For us to remember

I now hold in my hands.

Taking deep breaths to assure myself

That letting go is the best thing to do.

What was once looked at with joy

Now only brings pain for something lost.

What was once a comfort is now

Nothing but a painful reminder of the past

That brings tears to my eyes every time I see it.

I sigh heavily

And take a step back.

And as I watch the flames

engulf that empty photograph,

I think to myself,

Yes, It's better to let go

Than to hold on and long for something

That was never meant to last.

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