I signed it!

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"Thea, wake up." Fili says, softly.

I wake up and put my things away. Balin puts Bilbo's unsigned contract in his coat.

"Balin, may I see that, sir?" I ask, nicely.

He nods and gives it to me. I unfold it and lay it on Bilbo's table.

Hopefully, Bilbo would reconsider coming with us. I saw a gleam for adventure in his eyes when we talked about my adventures.

I go outside and hop on Midnight, who was more than ready for our journey.

Fili and Kili ride next to me. We ride to the forest east of Bilbo's house.

We almost were at the edge of Hobbiton when I hear someone faintly.


It was Bilbo.

"Everyone, stop!" I shout.

The company stops.

"What's the matter?" Thorin asks.

I point to the hill behind us on the left. And Bilbo comes up the hill....... and holds up the contract I left at his house.

"I signed it!" he says, panting.

He carries a bag on his back and his jacket buttons are all messed up.

He hands his contract to Balin, who pulls out special glasses and reads the contract. When he finished, he folds the contract and puts it in his coat.

"Everything seems to be in order. Welcome Bilbo Baggins to the Thorin Oakenshield company." Balin says.

I smile, happily, at Bilbo, who smiles back.

"Give him a pony." Thorin commands.

"No- no! That won't be necessary. I'd enjoy a stretch of the legs. And anyway-" Bilbo tries to protest until Kili and Fili pick him up by his shoulders and put him on a pony.

I bite my lip, stopping myself from laughing.

After a little while, the dwarves start throwing little bags of money to each other. They took bets if Bilbo was going to come or not. Most of them said that he wasn't coming.

"Did you bet, Thea?" Kili asks.

I nod, trying not to smile.

"What did you bet?" asks Fili.

To answer both their questions, I receive a bag of money.

They both look at me in surprise and disbelief.

"What?" I ask, not bothering to my smirk. "I always have faith in even the most unlikely things."

We ride on and when we are about to cross the town line of Hobbiton:

"Stop! We have to go back!" Bilbo cries.

"Whatever is the matter?" Gandalf asks.

"I forgot my pocket handkerchief." Bilbo replies as if he all his belongings.

Bofur tears off a piece of his ragged old coat.

"Here. Use this." he says, smiling kindly, as he throws it to Bilbo.

We all chuckle as we make the horses go forward once again.

This was going to be the most amusing journey I've ever had. I just know it.

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