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"You know, you should really keep a diary, Luna. It helps me a lot with my emotions." My twin sister, Elena, told me as we brushed our teeth in the restroom.
"Not gonna happen." I replied after spitting my toothpaste out of my mouth and into the sink. I applied some red lipstick in the mirror before leaving the room. In a hurry, I entered my bedroom looking for my bag.

"Jeremy!" I heard Elena call on the landing.
"Is he still not up?" Aunt Jenna asked her, stressing out.
"I don't know. I've not heard any movements coming from his room all morning." Elena moaned as she put her brown leather jacket on and tied her hair up into a ponytail.
"Hey, has anyone seen my back?" I called out to them as I looked under my bed. Aunt Jenna groaned to herself as she made her way back down the stairs.
"Just follow the stench of pot and it'll be there." Elena scoffed before banging on Jeremy's door once again. 
I rolled my eyes in her direction before standing back up and taking one last look around my room. Nowhere to be seen. 

What a great start to my first day back at school, I thought to myself.

That was when we heard a car horn beeping outside our house. No time left to look for my bag. I looked out my bedroom window and saw my boyfriend, Tyler, standing outside his car waiting for me. He noticed me and gave me a bright smile as he waved in my direction. I waved back before leaving my room.
"I told you Tyler would get here before Bonnie. Come on, let's go." I said to Elena.
"But what about Jeremy?" She asked, pointing angrily at his bedroom door. I sighed as I opened his door and walked straight into his room to find him sitting on the edge of his bed with his headphones on.
"Typical," Elena scoffed, folding her arms across her chest. "Jeremy! Come on! Tyler's here." 


Do I have to do everything around here?

"Hey, Jerkface," I said as I flicked his headphones off of his head. "Tyler's here. Get your ass outside."
Without saying a word, he put his headphones back on and grabbed his bag, following Elena and I downstairs.
"See you later, Jenna." Elena said as she opened the front door.
"Have a good day, kids! Spaghetti bolognese for dinner tonight." Jenna called from the kitchen.
"Elena and I will probably be at the Grill tonight." I informed her as I walked out the door, followed by my siblings.
When I saw Tyler, I ran straight into his arms and he picked me up and swung me around before kissing me.

"Can we just get on our way please? Bonnie and Caroline are texting me like crazy." Elena said as she and Jeremy got into the back of the car.
"You left your bag at my house the other night, Babe. It's in the passenger seat." Tyler told me.
"Oh, thank god! I thought I'd lost my weed." I said as I opened the door and got into the car, putting my bag down at my feet.
"You've got more weed?" Jeremy asked me, taking his headphones off.
"Yes, but none for you." I told him, sticking my tongue out at him.
Rolling his eyes, he put his headphones back on and sat back in his seat.

"Jeremy, put your seat belt on." Elena warned him when Tyler started up the engine. Cars still freaked Elena and I out.
We were in the car the night our parents died. It took us a while to be able to feel comfortable enough to actually sit in a car, never mind be driven in one. 
Jeremy didn't even flinch, so Elena took matters into her own hands and grabbed his seat belt and put it in the buckle before sitting back in her seat and putting her own seat belt on. I looked back at Jeremy. He was still pretty messed up after losing our parents before Summer. That wasn't to say that Elena and I weren't still messed up too. Elena just kept it hidden in her journal, whilst I smoked, drank and took a lot of drugs to mask the pain.

When Tyler started driving, I could feel Elena grip onto the back of my seat. Reassuringly, I turned round and gave her a little smile to let her know it was okay.

*At School*

"Oh, my God! Elena! Luna! I'm so happy to see you both. How are you both? Are you okay?" Caroline screamed as she ran over to us. She wrapped her arms around the two of us, pulling us into a hug.
"We're fine! Thank you." Elena lied behind her fake smile.
"I'm sorry I haven't been over to see you guys during the Summer. My mom thought it would be best if we give your family some space." Caroline told us.
"That's okay. The Summer did us some good. We needed that time to get ourselves together." I reassured her.

Care looked me up and down with her judgy little eyes.
"You clearly did do a very good job of getting yourself together," She laughed. "You're wearing a t-shirt from a brand I've never heard off, and you're wearing black leather pants and black boots. And what's with the eyeliner and red lipstick? You look like a goth or something."
"First of all, it's not a brand, it's a band called Nirvana. Secondly, I'm pretty sure I wore leather pants and high heel boots all of last year!" I corrected her.
"And I think we need to change that." She said just as Bonnie approached us.
"Hi, Guys! How are you?" Bonnie asked us with a huge smile across her face.
"I was just telling Luna that she needs to change her look." Caroline informed her, folding her arms across her chest.
"I don't think she does. Edgy looks hot on Luna." Bonnie told her, making me giggle as she pulled me into a hug.

"I've missed you all so much! I've been spending far too much time with Grams over the Summer; she's been telling me I'm psychic or something

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"I've missed you all so much! I've been spending far too much time with Grams over the Summer; she's been telling me I'm psychic or something." Bonnie told us as she rolled her eyes.
"Psychic? What do you mean?" Elena asked her.
"She said our ancestors were from Salem; that they were witches. I think she's going crazy. She was just going on and on and on about it and I'm like 'put this woman in a home already'," She laughed. "But when you think about it... I predicted Obama, and I predicted Heath Ledger, and I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands!"

Caroline and I shared a look and both rolled her eyes. Witches? Psychics? Yeah, right!

"Okay, well then predict something about me." Elena said, standing straight and confident.
"I predict... this year is going to be kick ass. And I predict all the sad and dark times are over and you are going to be beyond happy." Bonnie smiled at her sweetly.
Elena smiled back at her before pulling her into a hug. 
"Oh, no." Elena mumbled, looking over Bonnie's shoulder. I followed Elena's gaze. Jeremy.

Before I even realised, Elena was already storming her way through the crowd towards the men's room. Clearly, he was high or something. On the first day of school. Even I had a little bit more class than that. I decided to ignore the situation and walked with Bonnie to my locker.
"So, how are you really?" Bonnie asked me, worriedly.
"Really, I'm fine." I lied.
"So you're no longer smoking cigarettes or pot? Not drinking anymore? No more drugs being snuck in and out of your house?" She asked in a really concerned tone. I looked at her and tried to form the words to lie to her, but I knew she could probably smell everything on my clothes.
She sighed as she grabbed her perfume from her bag and started spraying it all over me when we reached my locker. I put in the pin and stuffed my bag inside.

"Did you get your class schedule?" I asked her, promptly changing the subject.
"Yeah! We have history in about 5 minutes." She let me know.
I looked down the hall where I noticed Jeremy storm out of the men's room, quickly followed by Elena who ended up bumping into some guy.
"Who's that?" I asked Bonnie. She followed my gaze. "All I see is back."
"It's a hot back." Bonnie drooled.
We watched on as Elena and 'the hot back' talked for a few seconds.
"I'm sensing Seattle," Bonnie said to me. "And he plays the guitar."
"You're really gonna run this whole 'psychic' thing into the ground, huh?" I scoffed.
"Pretty much." Bonnie giggled, looking back at me.

Suddenly, the bell rang, making us both jump and forcing us out of our daydream about who 'the hot back' could be.

Time to go to History and face Mr Tanner. Now that's something I definitely haven't missed over the Summer. 

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