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Later in the day, Elena drove us to the Salvatore Boarding House. I guess, maybe, she wanted to talk to Stefan? I mean, why else would she insist on going there? She hated Damon.
When we got out her car and reached the front door, I rang the bell and heard a girl's voice from inside call out, "It's open, come on in!"
"Who's that?" I whispered to Elena. She looked worried as she shrugged her shoulders.
Hesitantly, I opened the door and Elena and I walked in. We looked round as we walked towards the parlour until I eventually turned towards the stairs where I saw a stunning girl in a towel heading our way. When she looked at me she suddenly stopped and her eyes widened.

"Oh, my God... How, uh.. Wh-Who?" She stuttered.
"Um... I'm Luna, this is my sister, Elena." I told her. When Elena turned her head to look at her, the girl's jaw might as well have dropped to the floor.
"Holy shit, there's two of you..." She whispered.
"Who are you?" Elena asked the girl.
"I'm Lexi, Stefan's friend." She answered.
"Is he here?" Elena questioned.
"Uh, he's in the shower," Lexi told her. Elena raised an eyebrow as she eyed the girl up and down. "Do you wanna wait?" Lexi added.
"No." Elena mumbled.
"Okay, well I'll tell him you stopped by." She said with a smile.
"That's okay." Elena sighed as she grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me out of the house.

*That Night*

"So why did you want me to arrange a party at the Grill?" I asked Damon when he joined me at the bar.
"Because it's Stefan's birthday." Damon told me before taking a sip of his bourbon.
"Since when did you and Stefan become close? Why are you throwing him a birthday party?" I asked curiously.
Before he had the time to answer, we were interrupted by Lexi.
"Hey, uh... Elena, right?" She asked me.
"Wrong twin," I laughed. "I'm Luna. The fun sister."
"Oh, sorry. You just look so identical, it's hard to tell," She said before grabbing the attention of Jared, the barkeep who had a crush on me. "Hey, can I have four shots of tequila?"
"You got any ID?" Jared asked her. Slowly, Lexi leaned over the bar but I held her back.
"Oh, I'm sure that won't be necessary. Right, Jared?" I asked in my best seductive voice, taking advantage of the fact that he had a crush on me.

 Right, Jared?" I asked in my best seductive voice, taking advantage of the fact that he had a crush on me

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Jared eyed me up and down with a grin on his face as his eyes reached my cleavage.
"You're gonna want to keep your eyes to yourself." Damon threatened him. Jared tore his eyes off me before looking at Damon who raised an eyebrow at him.
"You know, one of these days, Luna..." Jared chuckled as he started pouring the tequila into some shot glasses.
I smirked at him before biting my bottom lip. I knew that was his weakness. Lexi handed him the money for her shots before he walked away to serve someone else at the bottom of the bar.
"Wow. We may have a little vampire on our hands. Your way of compelling someone is much more fun than how we do it. Here, have some shots." Lexi laughed as she passed me two of her shots of tequila.
"Do you do that to him all the time?" Damon asked me as I downed my shots with Lexi.
"Pretty much. He's had a crush on me for as long as I can remember." I giggled, noticing the jealousy on Damon's face.

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