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"I'm heading out." Jeremy told me.
"The hospital?" I asked him.
"Yeah. Tell Jenna I'm going to school early... Just make something up." He said.
"Here," I sighed, handing him a couple pills. "You look like you could use them."
He smiled at me before grabbing his bag and heading out the door. I went back into my bedroom and got dressed into some black ripped jeans, black high heel boots, a red off-the-shoulder top and I decided to curl my hair. 
"Since when do you curl your hair?" Elena asked me as she barged into my room looking for some perfume.
"Since today. It's different." I shrugged my shoulders, handing her my favourite perfume. She took a sniff before spraying some on herself and putting it back on my vanity.
"Tyler's here, by the way." She told me as she looked out my bedroom window.
"Cool. You coming?" I asked her as I grabbed my bag.
"Actually, I'm getting a ride with Bonnie. She'll be here soon." She told me, following me out of my room.

"Okay, see you later." I said, waving goodbye to her.
When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I was greeted by aunt Jenna who was wondering where Jeremy was.
"Oh, he uh... He had to get to wood shop early to finish a birdhouse." I lied, covering for my little brother.
"Oh, well I'm glad he's being responsible at school." Aunt Jenna said as he handed me a mug of coffee to take to school with me.
"Thanks, Jenna. I'll see you tonight." I said as I ran out the door and into Tyler's car.

*At School*

In History class that day, it was almost sickening the amount of times Elena and Stefan kept gazing into each other's eyes and smiling at each other. I'm sure I'd heard Stefan in Elena's room the previous night. Did something happen? 
"Are we bothering you? Mr Salvatore? Miss Gilbert?" Mr Tanner interrupted their love fest. 
The two of them looked up at our teacher, clearly forgetting where we were. And for the first time ever, it wasn't me who was getting into trouble for being inappropriate in class. It was the good sister!
Embarrassed, Elena shook her head just as the bell rang.

Everyone started flooding out of the classroom and Matt, Tyler and I watched as Elena and Stefan left the class together.
"What's going on with them?" Tyler asked me as he helped me put my books into my bag.
"I don't know. I'm sure I heard Stefan's voice in Elena's bedroom last night." I blurted out, completely forgetting about Matt. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean-"

"No, it's okay. It's been four months. I need to get over it." He sighed as the three of us started leaving the classroom together.
Waiting outside the classroom for us were Caroline and Bonnie.
"So!" Caroline began. "Bonnie's just been telling me about her family. Tell her, Bonnie."
"I'll catch you guys later." I said to Matt and Tyler before they left and went outside to practice their throwing or whatever it was footballers did.
"So, has grams been telling you more about your psychic path?" I joked with Bonnie.
"Technically, grams says I'm a witch." Bonnie told me.
"A witch?" I laughed as we started walking down the hallway.
"Our ancestors were these really cool Salem witch chicks or something. Grams tried to explain it all to me but she was looped up on the liquor so I kinda tuned out." She rolled her eyes.
"So you're a witch now?" I asked her.
"Crazy family? Yes. Witches? I don't think so." Bonnie giggled. 

*After School*

"Are you sure about this? It's a little rude to just turn up unannounced." I said to Elena as we approached the Salvatore Boarding House.
"well we didn't exactly get round to exchanging phone numbers. Come on. We're only asking him if he wants to the comet thing with us tonight. What's the big deal?" She asked as she knocked the door.
Unexpectedly, the door slowly creaked open on its own.
"Okay, totally not creepy or anything..." I muttered under my breath as Elena took a step inside.
"Hello? Stefan?" Elena called as she took another couple steps inside.
"You know... We should probably just wait out here until we comes. Not only is it rude to turn up unannounced, but it's also rude to invite yourself inside their house when you've never been there before." I informed her as I stayed put.
"Just get in here. Come look at this. It's huge." She told me. I took a deep breath as I entered the house. She was right. It was pretty impressive. But not exactly my taste. Everything seemed a little old. But I suppose, the guy did live here with his uncle. Perhaps his uncle was an old man, or just had antique taste.

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