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"Here you go." Tyler handed me a bottle of beer before wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"When do you think he'll come back?" Caroline asked us eagerly.
"I don't know, Care. Did you not get his number?" I asked.
"Absolutely not! It's too early for that! I don't want to come off as a crazy bitch." She said as she stood on her tiptoes to try to see over the crowd.
Tyler and I looked at each other and giggled.
"I'm sure he'll be back soon. What happened when you spoke to him a few hours ago?" I asked, watching her nervously drink her beer.
"Nothing! He got here, I approached him, tried to speak to him and he ditched me for Elena." She groaned. By this point, she was beginning to get extremely drunk.
"Maybe he just likes Elena." Tyler said, shrugging his shoulders. I gently pinched his stomach. I could see the hurt in Caroline's eyes as he said that.
"He didn't mean that. Just keep trying to shoot your shot. And if he tells you that he's not interested, there'll be someone better for you. Trust me." I reassured her, making her smile a little.

"There he is!" Caroline jumped with excitement before leaving Tyler and I. Confidently, she marched over to Stefan, leaving Tyler and I alone.
"So, what should we do now that we're on our own for the first time tonight?" Tyler teased, looking into my eyes. 
"Hmm, I don't know. I heard the woods are nice and quiet around this time of night." I teased him right back before downing my beer, grabbing his hand and leading him into the dark woods. When we were far enough into the woods that nobody would see or hear us, Tyler pushed me up against a tree and started kissing me hard and rough, slowly making his way down to my neck. I shrugged my leather jacket off, allowing it to fall to my feet. Eventually, I closed my eyes, savouring each of his kisses. 
Eagerly, he started lifting my dress further up my thighs and I opened my eyes. I was welcomed by more fog than I had ever seen in my entire life. 

And that was when we heard it. 

The scream.

Tyler took a step back from me and looked around. 
"What was that?" I asked him, terrified. I started fixing my dress and I picked my jacket up from the ground.
"I don't know. We should go back to the party." Tyler suggested as he grabbed my hand.
"No, Ty! Someone could be in trouble. We need to go see." I insisted.
"If we die tonight-" He freaked out.
"We're not going to die. Now, come on." I said before we slowly started walking deeper into the woods. The further we walked, we were met by more fog than I had ever seen in my entire life.

"Luna... I don't like this. I think we should definitely head back." Tyler said.
"We're fine. Nothing's going to happen to us. We just need to find out where that scream came from." I sighed.
"For all we know, it could just be someone having sex." He joked.
Suddenly, my foot caught against someone and I fell but quickly caught myself. But the person lying beneath me... was not something I thought I would have to see.
Tyler helped me up as I started hyperventilating.

"Oh, my God! It's Vicky..." I told him. She had a huge cut on the side of her neck which was still gushing with blood. "Quick! Pick her up! We have to get her out of here and call 911."
Tyler didn't hesitate to pick her up and we sprinted back to the party.
"Help!" I called out when we got back. "Help!"
People started surrounding us and someone was already calling 911. When Jeremy saw Vicky in Tyler's arms, he ran over to us to help us with her.
"Vicky? What the hell! What happened?!" Matt asked us as Tyler gently put Vicky down on a table.
"We don't know. We heard a scream." Tyler told him.
"We went to go see where it came from and we just found her lying on the ground like this." I told him, tears streaming down my face.
Matt, Tyler, Jeremy and I tried to help control the bleeding coming from her neck and when I looked up to see if the ambulance had arrived yet, I noticed Stefan looking very shifty in the crowd. When his eyes met mine, he immediately backed away and just left.

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