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(Ha, throwing more Monika in your direction. Hope you enjoy.)

I was with Sayori, we were laughing, joking, chatting having fun. I felt happy, I felt free. I had no worries left in the world. Everything was alright in the literature club.

"So Monika, did you write me a poem today?" she asked, smiling up at me.

I could feel a blush spread across my cheeks, her smile was so sweet, so genuine. I could feel one grow on my own face as I reached into my bag and pulled out my little black notebook. I flicked through each page until I reached the one with my confession poem. I handed it to her slowly, I was unsure if this was the right decision. I hoped that she would accept, we could be happy together forever. She read it, staring longingly at the page. Her face flushed pink as she put it down then launched herself forward, wrapping her arms around me.

"Is that a yes?" I mused, returning the hug.

"Yes, Monika, I'm so happy!" she jumped up and down excitedly.

I... was happy as well but I had a feeling in my gut, telling me something wasn't right. I backed away a little, not letting go of her, I jusr wanted to see her eyes, her beautiful sky blue eyes. I was gonna kiss her, the look on her face told me that she wasn't gonna let go until she got one. I sigh happily and lean forwards, she mirrors my movements. Our lips connected and it felt perfect. Her lips were soft and fit with mine, like the final puzzle piece of a jigsaw. She tasted like sugar and golden syrup, pancakes and butter, chocolate and icing. I relished these flavours, I held her closer to me. Strangely though, her lips were getting colder and colder, her arms were limp and had fallen away from my waist, her heart wasn't beating against my chest anymore. I opened my eyes and saw that hers were losing colour, going dead. That's when I noticed that she was leaning against me. She wasn't breathing, she wasn't speaking, she was dead. A quiet, strangled noise rose from my throat as I backed away from her in shock, Sayori's body fell to the floor with a loud thud.

"No, no, no, no, no! Sayori!" I darted over to her lifeless body and knelt down.

I check for a pulse, nothing. I check to see if she was breathing, nothing. I saw that there was a large bruise around her neck and her fingertips were bloody. The blood from her fingers seemed to spread across the floor, reaching towards my knees. I felt dizzy, I put my hand on the floor to balance myself. That's when I realised how the lighting in the room had changed. In fact the room itself had changed completely. All the desk and chairs had disappeared apart from a desk and two chairs that were in the middle of the classroom. It had gotten a lot darker now, light seemed to spring into life in the middle of the air casting an amber glow on the floor. I couldn't find a source anywhere, the light just seemed to exist. My eyes widened when I looked out of the window. Where were we? I couldn't see any of the cherry blossom trees that had been planted outside the club room windows. Instead I saw space? Or was it just a never ending void? I couldn't tell. I looked over at the cupboard and saw two pairs of shoes sticking out, I didn't know who was in there but they certainly weren't alive. Voices seemed to echo from nowhere, the people who they belonged to weren't in the room.

"It's just you now."

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

"It's just the two of you."

The two of us? I look around to see if someone else was in the room and spot a boy sitting in one of the chairs, staring forward into space. I was to call out to him but I couldn't. I couldn't talk, I couldn't scream, I couldn't whisper. All there was left was the echoes of voices I couldn't see.

"It's just you, Monika, just you."

"It's just Monika."

"Just Monika."

"Just Monika."

"Just Monika."

"Just Monika."

"Just Monika."

They whispered the phrase repeatedly in my ears. I looked up at the guy, silently pleading, but he couldn't hear me. It ws almost as if he were patiently waiting for someone to walk in and sit down in the seat opposite. But nobody came.

"Just Monika!"
I woke up from my nightmare, tangled up in my bed sheets, a hot and bothered mess. My heart was racing, my breathing was faster, sweat trickled down my face. It was just a nightmare, Monika, go back to sleep. I snuggle back down and close my eyes but sleep is a lot harder to fall into if you're scared of your next visit. Part of me wanted to go into my mother's room and just climb into my bed so she could keep me safe. I remember the days when I was just a child, playing in the garden and having Teddy bear picnics with my mother. Those were fun while they lasted. I think about the nightmare instead, try to find out what it meant. What were those voices, who was that guy at the table, why was Sayori... dead? I shivered when I remembered those lifeless eyes staring up at me, burning a hole into my own. I grimaced when remembered the smell of death and blood in the clubroom, I'd never be able to look at that room the same ever again. Those bodies in the closet (heh), who were they? All these different questions raced through my mind but I focused on one. What did just Monika mean? Why was it just me? I sigh just as confused as I was before, none of this made sense. I finally felt sleep wash over me like a giant wave and for the rest of the night it was peaceful.

(I made a reference! Find it and you will pass my test. Hint: It's not related to Doki Doki but to another game that I like.)

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