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I was in a dark room, I couldn't see a thing. I felt weird, like I was drowning even though I knew that there was no water around me. I wanted to cry, scream, shout but I couldn't. I couldn't even whisper. No matter how hard I tried, no sound rose from my throat. I looked around frantically, hoping to see some form of light or life but there was only darkness. Nothing spoke, nothing moved, nothing cried. I curled up into a small ball and closed my eyes, wanting it all to go away. Then I heard something, a loud clicking noise. I looked up to see a light had turned on, illuminating the cold surface that I sat on. I scrambled to get under the beams of yellow, glad to get out of the silent darkness. I felt just a little bit safer here but that feeling didn't last for long. The light went out but appeared across the room. I went to stand up but my head hit something, the ceiling? How had I not noticed that? I simply shrugged it off and crawled towards the light. It stayed on for a few seconds then went out again. I looked around to see where it was, it lit up again. I wanted to feel that safe feeling again so I followed it. It sent me round and round and round but just as I was about to give up and accept my fate of darkness, I saw a much bigger light. I hurried towards it, ready to soak up the glowing beams of safety. It led me into a bigger room, a room where I could stand up straight. I didn't know how high up the ceiling was here. I sighed with relief when I saw how big the light was, the only places where it didn't shine was in the corners of the room. I felt a little confused though. Already bathing it the brightness was a chair so big that a giant could sit on it and a large rope tied into a noose. I rushed over to the chair and started climbing up, maybe this was my way out. The noose seemed to have lowered itself while I had been climbing as it was now resting patiently on the seat. I walked warily towards it and sat down on it. The rope felt surprisingly comfy, I was expecting it to feel coarse and uncomfortable underneath my legs. Instead, it felt like I was sitting on my own bed, ready to fall asleep. The noose suddenly started to ascend into the light above. Slowly but surely, it rose, making my legs dangle in the air. The floor below was getting smaller and smaller the higher I got. Even the large chair was disappearing into the darkness. I smiled, this was it, I was almost free. This noose is helping me escape to a better place. I lay back into the curve of the rope and closed my eyes. Maybe I could finally get some rest.


My eyes opened to see darkness around me. I sat up, about to panic but stopped myself when I saw where I was. I was at home with my friends. We were having a fun time but then we all got tired so we went to sleep. The memories of the sleepover came flooding back and I let out a slow breath, I didn't even realise I had been holding one in. Natsuki had fallen asleep on the floor while Yuri was curled up on my dads old armchair which he let me keep. Monika was laying on one side of the sofa while I was on the other. She stirred a little before opening her eyes and looking at me sleepily.

"You okay?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes and sitting up.

"I'm fine, just need to go to the bathroom," I quickly stood up and hurried into the bathroom, hoping that she would go back to sleep. I didn't want her to worry about me.

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